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Stuck With Mr. Popular

Stuck With Mr. Popular


Chapter 1 no.1

Word Count: 1442    |    Released on: 06/06/2018


was completing my chemistry project

eans Lavy is still asleep. Lavy is younger than me by two years. Dad left us five years after Lavy was born, I don't know any legit reason b

are putting up without him. Initially it hurts, more to

lways mom takes us to the Zoo and not dad?"

p. After approximately fifteen minutes we were

ssroom. I knew I was already late for my Physics class but since it was the first and hopefully the last time I was hoping Mr. Smuldres wouldn't mind. Holding the cold metal i

guy in grey hoodie sprin

urned around and glanced at me, my panting wasn't dead yet and m

probably about to get

. Smulders' expression

fiddling with my fingers and lo

time you're late Ms. Esinberg you'll be signing up

nch. No one really occupies the first

ion of Physics. I hope you all have chosen a topic. I'm pa

e sheet to Mr. Smulders, as I was sitting on the front desk. While handin

s- the popular group of Acumen High, amazing body, perfect boyish smile. Every girl throws herself at him and every boy wan

uscles and six-pack abs. Blue eyes. Honey gold skin. But those

e deliberately chose not to write any topic (because he has

, Mr. Smulders' resonant voice filled the classroo

the guy with the gr

e anyone could use, "Because I ha

he reason why?" M

n busy lately", R

g him a pointed look u

practice and stuff."

ning the classroom as if trying to find something,

riod" he said before returning

oesn't sound g


. Smulders said. I couldn't deny whatev

ymond for this project", he sa


. Smulders face and anyone could tell how pe

not to spe

ou Sophie but I don't think you would li

t t

is trying to

I hate

o I thought", he said. "Thank y

, I had no idea. All I know is I have


it wasn't difficult to lo

p m

rage and started walking

handshake and on the other side I was standing right next to their

o Raymond and my sight was greeted by

Literally, nearest thing to a friend that I have is my younger sister Lavy.

ning, girl.", said

l", Ellen s

red around started laugh

n Whitmore. Que

se her parents were rich and since she was the only girl in Raymond'

re grabbing my arm and pulling me to

?", Raymo

p", I repli

th you for our Physics project, apparently because you haven't decided

blue eyes were lookin

eep breath", I follo

and I are paired up for the Physics proj

, I re

icial for you, munchkin",

e winkin

cial f


the mill


ork with me, munchkin. You

ms", I replie

is-" He said pointing a finger at me and then

s he s

yebrows in confusio

umber I'll contact you..

maths and physics class


Esinberg", we finally

call you then", he sai

ust say

turned around and started

rected to me I scoffed at his words which said "Try not to think about me

y is de

ic nin


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