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The Time Saving Agency

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1105    |    Released on: 29/06/2018

r in a time still to come? A man who wrought chaos and devastation across three millennia simply for the fun of it. Just because he could. Rumor had it he was one of the first to invent t

o Practicale to be a one-way trip, didn't mean that it really was. After all, a trip between two points, a point of origin and a destination

ely tangible waves like a new surfer with one foot on the sandy beach and the other on a shiny new board of Hatred. Revenge splashed around his feet like the cold waves of the ocean of Time. Nearby, two other inmates collided with each other, bounced apart spread-eagled and spiraled off into the distance in infinite slowness. The Wetsuit of Insanity clung to his

an was a lot like the Pacific, only landlocked, shallow, and fresh. Braking dolphins swam in shoals of hundreds in the warm shallow oceans. The funny little dolphin-like creatures were air breathers – and marsupials. Their pouches tended to cause a little too much hydrodynamic drag and slowed them down, h

each Deanna named them Ding and Dong in some misguided attempt at humor when they arrived, and found to their dismay that there was very little at all to laugh at here. (Crabby-grass may seem

bet that it would be the last. Never-the-less, it took the usual four big space tugs (and some fancy language) to get Ding back into orbit. The Tourism Office heaved a huge sigh of relief, as the little moon had

r the tropics, vast and almost totally unknown, except to a handful of strange men in lab coats and steel-capped safety boots (this is Deann

the soil. In the cities, crabby-grass subsisted on a steady diet of pigeons, the winged vermin of the galaxy. The creatures preferred to move only at night, looking for – er, greener pastures. It generally objected to being stepped on, nibbled at or even being addressed in a harsh tone of voice. Many a

aracter all its own. Lugaluru was one such town, right at the outskirts of Atro City, and still just as 'country' as ever. Anybody who was anybody drove shiny new hydrogen powered SUV's and wore fancy suits and cowboy ha

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