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Betty Wales, Sophomore


Word Count: 3076    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

oks, who was a member of the aid committee of her class, talked glibly, and in behalf of which she exacted onerous contributions, whenever the spirit moved her. But at the time of the valent

ed that she knew very little about it, and set herself to get some definite information. The head of the committee, pleased with Mary's sudden enthusiasm, sent her to one of the faculty trustees, and

many of them a loan of twenty-five dollars actually meant the di

Mary. "It would mean just about

the society made loans, not gifts; and the girls alway

ndred dollar salary that she got for teaching, the year

did girls-the very finest at Harding-the society was helping. Confidentially, she whispered to the valentine coterie that Emily Davis and her two friends had just been placed on the list of beneficiaries. Her eloquence extorted a te

d committee, but that was no reason why she should not help complete the fund, for which everybody,-alumnae, friends of the college, and undergraduates,-were expected to work. Mary was a born entertainer, never so happy as when she was getting up what in college-girl pa

Mary found a kindred sp

in amateur theatricals e

to do men's parts," she s

d Mary, promptly. "Do you kn

for any more money. So I went to the manager and got a chance to be in the mob-that's the crowd that don't have speaking parts, you know. And the people who'd promised to take me home forgot and went off to supper without me, and the leading lad

itedly. "Wasn't that a lark! Ma

t any more elections or holidays coming, and we're not either of us on the co

or everything. Oh, dear! Isn't there something we can have a play for?" Then her face lighted suddenly. "The Harding Aid! T

ne, gravely, when she had at last succeeded in disentangling herself fro


ittle stunts? Girls can do that sort of thing a lot better than they can act regular p

danced a jig

man of the big Loan Fund Committee. She'll make us two a special entertainm

ce and be on your committee, if you like. And when you want some help with the stunts or the costume

ver had to be on time for anything in all my life till I came here, except for trains sometimes,-and you can generally count on their being a little late. No, I can't and won't come to committee meetings and be bored. But all that I have is yours," and Madeline tossed a long and beautifully curled mustache at Mary

ttee or on the posters, it was largely due to Madeline Ayre

e to her own stunt. Then it's no trouble to any one else. And you'd bette

th. The little dressing-rooms at the ends of the big hall had to be called into requisition, and the college doctor's office, and Miss Andrews' room, and even the swimming tank in the basement (it leaked and so the water had all been drained off), with an improvised roof made by pinning Bagdad couch-covers tog

your digestion could stand, sandwiching between your "rabbits," Japanese or Russian tea, fudges, chocolate, and creamed oysters, visits to the circus, the menagerie, the vaudeville, and t

instant with the animals of the biggest show on earth," she shouted through he

rible man-eater,-which never failed to convulse the audience and put them in the proper humor for the rest of the performance. The snake-charmer exhibited her paper pets. The lion, made up on the principle of the one in "Midsummer Night's Dream" pawed and roared and assured timid ladies that she was not a lion at all, but only that far more awful cr

and-like dance. This was always terminated abruptly by some animal or another's being overcome by mirth or suffocation, and rushing unceremoniously back into the cage to recuperate. When the H

al Fair; the great

Cow was t

e to take

ed sick, and the l

blue, and I t

clear out

c cluck, scratched vigorously for worms, and the Happy Family vanished amid an uproar of

and gave so vivid an imitation of wire-walking, on solid ground all the time, that the audience was actually fooled into holding its breath. Then Bob's pet collie did an act, and the juggler juggled, in his t

intelligent and literary, went in to see the little play which Madeline Ayres had written. It was called "The Animal Fair," and three of the class animals appeared in it. But the mis- en-scene was an artist's studio, the great red lion was a red-faced English dramatist, the chick a modest young lady novelist at

erhaps Marion Lustig helped-they didn't tell me. No, the actors don't know either. Did yo

her capacity of stage manager, had left the actors to their own devices, and

f-hand stunts in the swimming tank," whispered

e to an audience that packed the house. When it was over Betty, who had been a ticket-taker at th

hink of it! I've helped to make fifty dollars for

tired to be very enthusias

gallery, and they sank down on a heap of pill

use it's all been so funny and jolly and so little trouble. We can help to make money for good causes all our liv

ource of interest and amazement to all her friends. She had a way of sa

e how you knew it. You haven't been here a term

e this place isn't so very different from Bohemia. Money doesn't matter here, and talent does, and brains;

costume, was hurrying up to the big pile of pillow

Betty and Madeline. "My faithful slav

"You've been at it since three o'clock,

't let me, though Blanche Norton was willing to take my place. I was a goose to tell them that I could read palms. Look out for t

it. It's not the fun she wants. She doesn't even care about the money for the good cause. It's the honor and t

y eagerly. "Don't you

orgotten her wonderful theme. Oh, well, then I

ly. Surely Madeline coul

d nowadays her career at

e reason why Madeline sh

y th

y because something worries her. Watch her face when she isn't smiling, and when she thinks nobody is noticing her. It's so wonderfully sad and so perfectly beautiful that it makes m

"I'm a sophomore and you're only a little freshman, ple

called the night-watchman from below, and f

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