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Black Sunrise

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1047    |    Released on: 30/06/2018

having to pause for

tting beside him, cuffed and cursing. After a while, Corrigan had settled down a little. At least he'd finally stopped swearing. He didn't bounce too much on the rough road, but this may have been

h my horse?" He

at me. I guess he'll be okay as long as he doesn't try a

nce for native Earth creatures on Deanna, especially horses. I

said, "I really l

Corrigan, who last month fired two barrels of buckshot through the toilet door while he was sitting on the can. Lucky for him, he was leaning down to read the paper at his feet at the time and thought his ass had exploded. This episode led to all sorts of jokes, some of them of the 'knock knock' variety. The local gossip rag had a field day. Ten years of abuse became too much for Mrs. Corriga

he bounty was not that much, but it would probably cover his expenses and leave him with enough for a few comforts of home. B

as follows: 'The 'Sword of Darkness' has been drawn, and it's time to kiss your ass good-bye!' Remarkably compact language, Ruminarii, don't you t

had passed it on to his youngest son two years ago – who then promptly gored one of his older cousins with the wheel-spikes and later ran over the family g'haargh' with it. Twice. Like father, like son. Oh w

because it primed the troops for an impending battle. It involved much twirling and posturing and hissing at each other. The rest of the crew applauded whenever one would suddenly stab at the other w

ing to do – a distraction for one or more of them who may have been giving his command seat undue attention. Perhaps he might make ten years as a ship

, that his executive officer was usually someone who had just recently assassinated his predecessor and was just settling into the post nicely – and beginning to think the title of 'Ship Commander' sounded nicer, when he would suddenly find himself leading his own funeral procession. It wa

cause once he was captain of the ship, there was nobody else onboard higher than him to assassinate, but also because this too meant

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