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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 961    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

an hour, as a free man, than living a hund

word! Carry our fight to all parts of Belarus! We have to go to the

less, homeless people who

, to tell them about the poli

re desperate and we need to show them that the

he coming liberation. Our brothers and sisters out there are

ut global policy, the Japanese war of independence, the economy of

bout how he wanted to make Belarus free and independent again, how to

cheers and adored him literally. Tschistokjow could not deny that he enjoyed this moment and for some minutes

he has even won a high-ranking official of the civil service as a sympathizer. The event which had taken place far away

istribute the newspaper of the organization. Then he sat in Peter`s car for a while and talked with him about hi

he returned to Vitebsk in the early morning hours, and di

the waterdrops pounded relentlessly against the window pane. F

nting silently, counting a

er - in Paris, in Sapporo and during

dows in the darkness, never knowing who had been hit by his bullets. Kohlhaas had thrown hand grenades

ng on his soul. He looked out the window and thought about the great warriors of history, those, who were celebrate

ae?", he asked himself and looked thoughtfully at the old

e was born into. This world in which he h

t happy. But after a few years, I had to realize, in what

p every poor old lady across the street. That`s you, Frank! A man wi

g heavily and clutching his head.

duced by the World Government in all sectors, including "Eastern Eur

the hated tax was raised again with over 50%, while the media tried to t

most Belarusians who got more and more problems to get along with their low wages, did not

because the "Global Bank Trust", the international financial authority, put it increasingly under pressure

g of Scanchip matters. Nevertheless, many people of Belarus knew that the Scanchips were almost exclusively manag

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