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A Prince to Order


Word Count: 1852    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

driven to the office of the Herald. He was per

. That much Frothingham made very clear when he urged my stopping those cables." And then his mood changed, and he argued that he was unnecessarily agitat

fter column with keen scrutiny. Ten minutes passed and he had reached nearly the middle of the month without finding so much as a line of what he sought. Much of the matter, however, was familiar, from which he argued that the date of

et Broker Hypothecates Firm's Securities and Disa

ing very hard and h

us, despicable lie. It's impossible. It's preposte

then he read hastily, but with the scrupulous heed of absolute21 concentration, every wo

000, it was discovered yesterday, have disappeared from the firm's safe deposit vault. Most of the securities, including first mortgage bonds of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroa

cter had always been regarded as beyond reproach. A member of an old New York family-his mother was a Livingstone-his social position was of the best. He occupied bache

a certain directors' meeting that he should attend the next day. I have not seen or heard from him since. When he did not appear on Thursday I feared he was ill and telephoned to his rooms, but the answer came that he was not in. The whole business is to me inexplicab

not reported to him for a week-not until the securities were missed-and so it was quite possible

Franz Lutz, his valet, was prepa

lock Thursday morning, saying he had an urgent business appointment at the Wald

hington Square, North, has been prostrated by the revelations of the past t

er of Nicholas Van Tuyl, president of the Consolidated Mortgage Company, wa

rothingham had told him, the newspapers had kept up the sensation for weeks, and the Herald was as energetic as any. At length came a report that a man answering his description had jumped overboard from a steamer in the Gulf of Mexico and had bee

other matters of more immediate interest had c

ould bring forth. He would be arrested, of course, and tried, and in all probability found guilty. The evidence against him as set forth in the newspaper account was not merely strong-it was irrefutable. Against the testimony of Mallory and of the bank officials what could he offer in refutation? To fancy any court or jury would put faith in his asseveration that he was unconscious when the act was committed was to count on the impossible. Nevertheless

was to sail the next day from Liverpool, but he could make better time probably, the clerk told him, by taking the Deutschland from Boulogne, or the Kaiser Wilhelm der Gr

when a young man, pale and evidently much agitated, hal

, but I beg you to make haste.

r an instant the American imagined the youth had addressed him by mistake, but he

at four-thirty, but you were gone out, an

e was not alone in Paris-that he had acquaintances, at least; probably companions; and that one of them was dying.

a tone of surprise; "I had

had spent two years at G?ttingen, and had live

matter now of hours only, perhaps minutes. They have sent for a priest.


breathing very hard and loud. Oh, it is so pitiful! And th

he has met-those he has travelled with, perhaps! And there is a Fr?ulein in the party! Herr Sch

o sent for the priest,

nwald. When Herr Schlippenbach dies Fr?ulein

erman's daughter, after all, though she was to inherit h

-will he, do you think, Herr

rvant he was evidently forgetting his pl

our name!" he said, at length, ignori

nn, Herr

to be sure.

the broad marble entrance o

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