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The Billionaire's Demand

Chapter 3 Hannah's Confidence

Word Count: 2493    |    Released on: 14/07/2018

placed the tray down on the sterile looking counter and watched as Maria grabbed another tray out of the oven with a cute little oven mitt. Maria bake

small smile, "They're even more d

admitted, "But I want a

I'll make us bot

ed out of the kitchen with a t

store even though they cleaned up yesterday after closing time. The sluggish feeling was slowing her down now. Maria had

nded different than usual. Bubbly and cheerful, almost girlish. The voice sh

ke an E

ed. It made her heart race and her body react to it even though her brain sternly told her body to cool it. The noise o

him know, "She must h

check on her, that

into a giggling teenager because of him. It wasn't that she couldn't comprehend why he was a charming

a, is Hannah i

She had never done that before. Her mother was a woman following the rules. Social rules, soci

She heard

eel flattered. But she cursed him for it. He wasn't supposed to remember her. Sh

explained to him, "Oh my

used, "Might be because

rty which made Hannah want to teleport herself i

to him di

in her mother's voice made her run to the ba

pe, but that's unlike you." She turned to look at Maria who looked confused, a hand on her hip, "You planni

at Maria, "I need to g

r was closed and closed the distan

r, " Hannah whi

d surprised, "You sure


e doing some quick shopping for some sweets I'm bakin


. Not when she was nearly five months pregnant with the baby he knew nothing about. She was waiting for eight minutes outside, wrapping her arms around herself to get

out here in the c

sed to. But then again he always had been an intelligent man, picking up on

She gr

eled to her round stoma

wever, see the pure rage in his eyes, hidden by his usual charming smile. She tried to cover up her

it surpri


wanting him to come any

e need to talk about

erself she could do everything on her own, she didn't nee

to get bac

ntimidating because of the coldness in his eyes and his impressive height. He knew how to use them without using force or raising his voice.

has it

n her own." She gulped down the fear she felt and stepped closer to him as well, their feet nearly touchin

ed onto her wrist, keeping her in place, "Then you make time fo

ming this has anything to do with you? Don't be so ar

t after me?" He asked her, the

ained s

ork now we'll meet up after the coffee shop cl

und hilarious. She'd purposely argue with him to see him get so intense about something like what kind of pizza topping was better. She still preferred pineapple with tuna which he probably sti

, "Where are you right now?" He leaned in, his eyes scanning her face, "Y

ng straight into his hazel eyes

et back

ring Nero's footsteps behind her. Maria was still in the front of the store. She coul

stay here." S

don't want your mom to find out." He concluded, "She'll find out about

n't the day she'd tell her mother Nero was the sperm donor. She'd freak and try and match them up. She was also aware that Nero wo

at the hotel. Does ei

now. Eight is fine, come to my penthouse inste

at much. She wasn't going to be difficult now. Them arguing about it

at eight." Sh

back door." He told her, not

lerio strolled into her coffee shop she didn't link it together. Now she wished she had given it more thought. Valerio had left hints along the way. When he talked about his wife and daughter passing. His son being a workaholic, but always taking the time for him. His son is a handsome guy who'd be good

o, Ha

Here for your m

were soft and warm while her cheeks looked rosy. Hannah had a feeling whe

led, the same way Maria had a moment ago. She could now conclude that it was

her mother, not mentioning that his son d

olled up though. How about we have lunch out together

he woman was okay with it. The kitchen was he

mother, "I could use some help. I'm making a classic

ro. He knew the baby was his, she denied it with her silence when he suggested she jumped right into another guy's be


receptionist behind the counter. Heading straight for the elevator bank she pushe

e they liked best made the nerves Hannah felt fade just a tad. The way they argued about their favorite food reminded her of the play

de to let people stroll out while she g

first." The woman to

showing, people around her showed her a different kind of kindness.

nk y

e flooding back when Valerio mentioned the D'Amore hotel were so vivid now she could see flashes of her together with Nero all over this hotel. Them snuggling up in the elevator and joking around, Nero being playful and teasing her. Them walking hand in hand through the hallway, heading to the main office. She needed those images to stop. She couldn't h

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