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A servant of Satan


Word Count: 2788    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

Baron F. Wolff. He stated that he had just arrived from Japan, a country in which he claimed to have resided for over two years. As he spent his money very liberally he was taken at his

much fear of his being recognized [Pg 78] by any of his former acquaintances. He had grown taller and broader, his face was bronzed by the Ind

e of his new acquaintances to the Jardin Mabille, at that time a well-know


n, who was conspicuous by the enormous amount of satin, lace, and flowers which she had managed to accumulate about the lower part of her person, and by the extraordinary scantiness of her corsage, stopped in front of him, and with the tip of her satin-slippered foot delicately knocked his hat from off his

ard, stony expression; there was a dangerous glitter in her eyes, and she gave one or two convulsive

ickly. I must spe

ntity to all the bystanders, followed her without a word. They soon reached a part of the gardens which was comparatively deserted, and Rose led the way to a small

ttle account to square with you, mon cher, and you had better hear me out. I am not surprised at your look of alarm when you

ean? I do not

tance out there caught sight of one of your portraits in my rooms about a fortnight ago. From him-I forge

ed Frederick, terror-stricken. "You don't know w

u thrust your wife out into the street in the middle of the night and suffered her to be locked up at St. Lazarre as a common street

am a rich man now, and can do much for you, if [Pg 80] you

to propitiate her and to gain time. She looked up with something like relenting in her hard bl

s more than they have done for me. I don't think that I ever had what you can call un c?ur sensible (a soft heart), but now I h

y his wife, and fearing that his friends, missing him, might hunt him up and insis

possible to talk quietly here, and I have m

k his hand off

ich one meets at the Jardin Mabille is slightly mixed, but by far not so much as in the two places I have just mentioned. Come home with me, if you like. It will sho

red shoulders, offered her his arm and led her away. As they were stepping forth into the street, the young man felt a slight tap o

I congratulate you. Don't forget that we have

was greatly put out at thus having his alias and his residence made known to Rose, hailed a passing cab, and a quarter of an hour afterward arrived at her apartments in the Rue de Constantinople.

gave her all the money she wanted, she would make no attempt to reveal his identity or to injure him in any way. He handed her a c

l never do!" he muttered to himself, as he walk

rtunately, he was ever of a spendthrift disposition. His tastes, pleasures, and mode of life were extravagant; [Pg 82] gold escaped like water through his fingers, and he realized that as soon as the last penny of the money which he had a

age and pair, besides providing her with jewels and handsome dresses. It became noised abroad among the demi-monde that she had become the mistress of

anted out of him. Of love between this curiously assorted couple there was none, and with each ad

t. It contained a bracelet composed of superb sapphires which a few months previously had figured on the wrist of the murdered widow at Baroda. Kissing her hand with old-fashioned courtesy, Frederick clasped the jewel round Rose's shapely arm, and then led her before one of the huge mirrors which gleamed here and there between the plush

e to be sure! No wonder we

ng their wine, and for a wonder chatting peacefully

kind of East Indian nabob who is staying here at the Grand Hotel. He has seen me at

t she had now become; and without giving him time to say a

h a colorless and transparent fluid. Bending over the table, he dropped part of its contents in the half-finished glass of green chartreuse which stood in front of Rose's plate. With an almo

appeared, holding in h

how you that if you don't behave I

You are not half so bad as you try to [Pg 84] make yourself out to be. Her

inked it against her husband's and tossed the liquor down her throat w

rtreuse has," she said, as she

aughed rath

is good stuff, and I prefer taking mine more quiet

restlessly pace the floor. "We ought to go out. Why don't you take me to some theater? Oh! it's

ad been drinking. He found Rose in the act of opening all the windows in her boudoir. She was unusually flushed, and he noticed that the pup

ht, Frederick!" said she, in a muf

king too much, Rose. Compose yourself. Come here and lie down

ut the room. At the end of a few minutes she flung [Pg 85] herself down on a lounge and closed her eyes. She breathed mo

r eyes again. They were n

d of tone, "please come here. I am not feeling

her a large glass filled to the brim w

mured she, lying down

suffocating, and there was a bluish tint round her drawn mouth and sunken eyes. Frederick did not move. His face was nearly as white as that of his victim. But he made no attempt to help or to

ents later it had entirely ceased. Placing his hand to her bosom he

picture from its place on the table, and then, l

ound Baron Wolff apparently in a state of extreme excitement, trying with


! Madam is very ill. She is in a fit!" excl

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