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Author: Korielyn

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 514    |    Released on: 19/07/2018


uld have weekend plans, go to picnics and most importantly enjoy time with each other but all my dreams and hopes shattered into pieces when I first saw my father be

its pieces and I couldn't keep it together. Do not get me wrong, I tried and

m me. It did not help when I came to know that my father never wanted me, he wanted another son in the Dawson family. So I started pushing

at least support me but turns out he was more interested in the assets and the numbers. He never

l or I never opened up to them. I have always been like the sufferer in silence type. All those years of trauma have done this

to take me first than to let me watch them go and I still wish for the same. I don't know whether I love them or not but I can never bear

e up I could not help but remember all the kind

I had my first

had some kind of

t require any

son and this

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