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An Italian's Virgin Escort

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 13/08/2018


this no

-Bianchi's toilet and still the dirt is not goi

or being a Nat

a personal assistant to CE

iant, I was scared. I was a bit happy for my

his PA but then again I thought he must be impressed

main office building, to start my work. I was so giddily happy to

sional high-level company paperwork but I got surpr

sked me to cl

what-I-say, and I gulped in fear when h

eyes. His looks towards me from morning are mixture o

ed him why I am doing all the cleaning when I'm

You are also an 'Anti-Bacterial and

t call me



e he gave for my clea

ial and Bio

misinterpret it as a high-level and a healthy position. But all

truggle in my life that I would ge

at me and by the ways his eyes and roaming around the room

have I gotten

ay to Mr. Giant devil, when he came into his pers

and, my hair disheveled, dress wet wit

president of street bathr

his blank face. Once he finished his inspection,

nutes. You are accompanying me to the golf club.

after four long hours of clea

nd of scented li

to the employee washroom to get ready for one

abin. When I knock and went inside, I saw him working on his laptop. W

supplies. He motioned his hand towards them bu

d a frustrated sigh "Carry them


ir, all

t for use? Now just shut up and carry them. They are expensi

ete the said task. I am one puny woman carrying the large golf kit of bats of al

iting limo while people a


He had his signature scowl on his Giant face while looking through his phone and I tried

iant went inside without bothering to look at me. It took me ten minutes to man

oyees in Bianchi Empire. Get your wits straight if you want to kee

his bipolar attitude towards me i

vicious hold? Will it be p

is too vengeful to let a person l

land a decent jo

itely make me go jobless w

tales aside for a while and do the job I'm paying for?" He

oes he

owards him and motioned his hand towards the wide ac


t the small

lengths of green fields and l


re I shot. If I like the work here, I would give you one more respec

ay, I felt like fainting and

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