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I Thirst For You

Chapter 4 Enigmatic Eyes

Word Count: 3360    |    Released on: 06/09/2018

eek. She was together with the other mechanics of her stepfather focusing on the wiring, engine performance and the fluidity of the run

ack in New Zealand, traveled to the province's highest mountain with Noman and Matteo ta

unced the athletic, dreadlock

path to where they stood now - in front of an intimidating red and gray, close-to-vertical rock formation with its sum

ds were present but they were whit

t?" Noman whispered on Amanda's left ear. He sta

im. "Yes, that's the pur

added, putting his index finger aga

-Serious look. "Then why

e replied and true enough, it was his plan all along considering he just wore cardigan pan

d nudged at her bestfriend on the

onversation, cut in. He examined the towering land formation with sparks in his eyes an

he looked, and this caused Amanda to lower he

rather cheerfully. "I'll just be here

a and Matt

id, readying her b

sily accepting her silent

enjoyed sports and getting in shape. With Amanda

d at exactly thirty minutes after ten. An hour later, half of the climbers reached the summit

utiful sight before her. She inhaled and exhaled, wipe

d, looking down to where Matteo was. "Wai

he looked up and smil

aking roof over that mountain?" She pointed past a mountain ahead covered with a sea of le

and nodded. "Yeah, w

e latter replied, knowing very w

" Amanda blink

area you see including this mountain we a

t laid out on her. After staying a night in the castle, she knew immediately they

echoed whilst staring

ke this before. Maybe because it was the design of it. Maybe because of the sense of mystery in it

mmediately shook her h

ust slip into her thoug

ted images of him. She didn't intend it, but she chose to look at a couple of

e? An i

st tree, looking at her way. His hand rested in the bark, but Amanda didn't think it was to keep himself from falling. Heck

actly like the Vitalis Master, minus the blindfold. If it weren't for

clutch her hair to keep it from getting tang

o ear. He inched closer to her looking every bit a s

forgotten about him for that one particular moment. Her eyes betrayed her and glanced back at the ta

laimed Matt

t took a toll on her sense of reality? Surely, a human can't disappear just like that right? Unle

h you, " Matteo stated, obli

ome Matt, "

opic he had in mind was instantly lost when they both



to go

Matteo turned

nted once finding the reaso

ctually lip-locking with so much passion and withou

side of this place, " Matteo remarked as he

elt instant goosebump

whispered and shifted a

ed mise

o continued, eyes burning with an emotion Amanda had

te blush came to her cheeks - for the very first time - owing it to the change of atmosph

me me in your heart?" He turned to face he

't at all surprised. She wanted to say a direct 'no' but out of respect and

. He shook his head whilst closing his eyes, pulling off a serene look

tors, " she furrowed her brows. He knew

r future husband, " was what Matteo

of you to

w about we experiment?" Matteo

she narrowed her eyes a

inued. "The sparks that you will

nned, confident enough that she'

stated, raising her face

oved to caress her chin slowly, leisurely, until

a long time, " he stated, wetting his o

rely stay

in glee. Many congratulated. Others just whi

soft lips on hers, the way he held her in his arms like she

it would be because she didn't love the man, but she was wrong. It felt good and d

expect th

once able to break a l

ntinued to steal quick kisses on her lips. "Cai

en a sudden splitting sound

lowed and this made Amanda wren

cried out, pointing at the now torn-into-

ling sound in their ears. Birds of different species flew away fro

argest but also as the one that that illusion of a man appeared. S

the tree sp

lower areas of the rock formation and waved his hand.

ced his fingers on her

her than that, she didn't show any ot

" she stated, making sure to b

uld, " Matte

t split to the roots which looked weird and scary. Many smaller trees got hit durin

being too old to hold its weight. Some

lieved what had recently occurred wasn't a natural phenomenon. S

o how though re

b leader, being a hardcore believer of superstitions, decided t

anda remained silent, listening to the active conversations and so did M

r kiss, refused to look at him in the eye

teo invited the two of them for a late lunch at a famous Italian restau

man the main leader of the discussion. It wasn't unti

d she, looking at the unknown

simultaneously bo

e will be fine he

button after she had ful

pressing the cellph

ereafter informed her of a

line, and by the time their discussion finished, s

ediate question right after Am

placed the phone in the pocket of her sports c

? Why did

be under the witness

an spoke in unison with thei

ard member of NASCAR, I needed to be protected. I am the only one who saw the murder and who t

man's face because of that sam

y chances. The dead man's got bad issues going on around him. Swindling and gambli

Cait. Totally." N

what they tell me to for now, " she

vacation. Being placed in a witness protection program and sen

e grand race next wee

iled confidently. "I don't think it would. I'm certain the three Formula

marked, sounding like every worried

k a cab to the apartment. Matteo, giving Amanda some space to think about their growing relationship, kis

dy two police officers stationed in the front door of Noman's unit. One informed

orrow to pack Chief Moretti?" was

ined the necessity of transferr

the end, su

g, " she complained as she packed

her a sad face and pu

re you will stay? Because I wil

aying it is confidential, but she says a car will pick me up an hour from now."

ogram ends before you return to Ne

have one hell of a shopping to do b

es in the street. The two policemen flanked the

ead on the road. By this time, the sun had some early hints of setting. Violet and ora

nal bag in one hand. Her luggage was next to her

doubt it at all

rs. One vehicle in particular caught their attention

whistled, "Look

h to have undergone constant polishing. The tires lo

ng about her situation until the limousine stopped directly in front of them an

head and proceeded, "this is

he limousine as her ride but she looked

Moretti?" she asked, hoping she w

Just go inside the car. You will kno

looked at each

e okay?" Noman stated,

l Matteo of this too. He'll be

n no

." He released her and

e passengers inside, thinking that she was alone, but as soon as she

r of Vitalis, Cord, and he looked as dangerous

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