New London Masquerade
n. But I was deeply conflicted, lost to the thought that somehow you were responsible for my daughter's death. So that fateful Halloween, when you left me all alone, o
will of my sorcery-and in my mind's eye I watched yo
stem-and I instantly saw what insanity I had summoned, without reco
w it seemed as if his Dragun costume had come alive-I knew beyond a doubt that it was my own dirty spell that had caused this whole bloody mess. I realized, that by wishing your masks become you-I had caused more harm than good. Seth had escaped down river-and I knew from then forward
Orbring. I brought them with me, in case my hunt became desperate-but
to sweep through the papers-and I knew in m
ugh supplies to carry me through a year's travelling, grabbed my ri
out of New London legend. I knew it was all too real-and that I was running out of preci
ons to count-well since my past life. I was mentally prepared, however, to meet with my assig
re-breather down to any ends of the earth where he so fled, in order
t would pick up hot for awhile, but then sizzle down again. I would find entire towns burned to the ground, with none alive left to tell about it. One fateful day, however, nine months on, when the public was growing we
as I was sliding through a lone country intersection way up in the hills. I knew in that very second that it was him
round the front, but Seth was already up the si
and took a shot-but the recoil was more than I remembered-and Seth esca
rmanent expression of anguish. Empathy rushed through me, for I knew this was the thing that I had done. He was the victim of my spiritual assau
closed then when I realized that he was mout
serve either fate, of a living or dead lizard-but it was I that had wis
, as if he had been able to read my mind. I watched him arc aloft--a m
in the jeep and drove on down the highway after him. He outpaced me for
en I pulled over and got out a map. I traced my finger across the mountain ranges, scanning ov
ag-from which I produced my Orbring and Book
s the land-in which not even Seth could see-
ong headlights pierci
ion for the sins I had committed, in cursing Seth-and nothing was goi
n to lift, some birds began to chirp-and I g
had come back to full force, yet after it was light enough that I could
top of the long hill I was driving up-unfold
yside. At first I was keeping up, but never enough to overtake him, so
led in to refuel. I scrambled to fill up, sliding my card through the reader-twisting off the cap and inserting the nozzle. I ran inside to pay and grab some supplies-then when I was walking
ed on two legs toward me-as he morphed into half-human form. He stared at me intensely, u
oaded-and I leveled it at him-even as he gr
to one side, as if
owing me, Callow?
I had not expected h
you, " I said dryly
s-and then come t
's right to you, bu
ink I won't just d
oday, " I said. "No
cross the gas bar-- fanning flames in arcs ba
ation going up in one giant fireball. I did not know if Seth was immune to fire, but it seemed se
he arm to show me. She thought I was a madman, so broke my hold and ran back up front, headed for the phone, when suddenly a series of explo
he back-field--well away from the gar bar, which exploded one last time
ith him, which burned at the fringes of his skin, but did not seem t
st out of ammo--but she remained frozen, unable to subdue her paralyzing fright-and I had to d
s superior ears-and he was able to scan and
ss as possible, because Seth would be busy relying on his sonic senses-and looking for visual clues second--so that was h
as calm as possible. I held back, keeping patience cool. I knew hope r
e that Dragonlings derived their powers from their third eyes. I knew if
rowing our location down. I breathed out, see
ere the bullets landed in the leaf-bed below-and as they glimmered I thou
roots that jutted out from the bank-side. Down the slope, where I stiffened in the branches, I se
t on her face-and I feared she was about to r
he area, before I found him climbing down the far side, just beyond where the girl crouched. So I motioned for her to come my way, not meaning for her
sure--and only grazed his shoulder. He tore her limb-from-limb befor
had given up. I was no longer willing to go on hunting while I was the one who had ultimately set all of these events into motion. I let go. I stil
p, but not of the mindset to question it beyond
lit up in a bright light, like a meteor entering atmosphere-and I realized that it was my Protect
from the Orbring, they left me unharmed. He took off into the sky-and now I was looking over my shoulder at the ground far below. Even as he writhed in pain aflame--he continued to fly higher, spiraling up until I nearly felt sick from the
te being sealed as one, as long as my soul would see redemption in it.
lready lost forever, long ago. There is no ho
ed and his body becam
is lifeless shell floa
racing up at me as I
able to watch longer
hen came to ten min
had intervened yet
ing for my finger-
earby-in a broken, b
I'd failed the girl-d
shredded body and cli
of what had happened
the highway, where I
light-and marveled at each finger as if for the first time. Then s
ht. Now it started to come clear to me that the only way to finish my cleansing was to rout not just the Dragun--but every monster I had created that day, no matter if they posed real danger t
ad settled in myself to use the Orbring again
pen to this page, addressing you, my grandso
r rise to success-Blake Ash since he first started coming around to see you, long after the se
to trust you-and this
back of my jeep. Now the game is up to you, Devin. Do you dare defy me-or will you allow fate to take its course and give yourself in? I will
best play, Devin--but be aware, I have no remaining hang-up-no twitch of conviction, nor mora
erely, Ga