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The Billionaire's Struggle

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1207    |    Released on: 23/10/2018

to give him the news also. He literally screamed for joy

yes, hear her voice. Maybe it's what she had imagined. But on the other hand, she doesn't want to pry. She was thinking of letting them have the

ou. I would love to see Luna too. But it's

can, " Silv

d as she had expected a neg

know the wonderful person who had be

hes to the dress she wore to work i

the door to Luna's room, rushed to the bedside and pulled her niec

for the night and then if everything goes well, She will be discharged tomor

d and with that, Doctor skai nod

lvia, " Luna said in h

aby, " Silvia said whil

y daddy?" L

He should be here at any mome

oor to come closer. Emerald walked towards them and sat on the left-hand side of the bed. just li

merald, this is Luna." Silvi

tiful than she had imagined. She actually wants to have a child lik

seen them somewhere before. Before Em could try to think of where she had c

r her, " L

ilvia asked

in my dreams. She is prettier than I

hoped Luna did not hear it all. As she remembered

to Em after which she pulled Em into an unexpected hug. "And thank

so adorable."

she placed her right hand on Em's belly and said: "Will you sti

erally on the ground and th

how come she heard all that I s

keep the baby Emerald. If its a girl, she's going to be a very pretty ba

re saying while you were sleeping?" Silvia asked

her name, Singing for me and telling me abo

age. With all the educational cartoons she w

ring. Immediately, Em looked back and saw who she never expected to see. 'The guy she had a one

be doing here?" S

on the hospital bed where his daughter was lying down. He quickly ran to the right-hand side of the bed

ou so much." Guy said as he sho

oo daddy, " L

heard a very fa

and lo and behold, he saw that face. The face that has been haunting him fo

hing. But words failed him and before he knew

uddenly looked pale. As Emerald went outside the room, Silvia followed

had just seen a ghost. Is anything

's father righ

to give you the job. Have you guys met som

ill just go home, " Em said

e. Let me go get my keys and I wi

after which she fled from Silvia's front. And luckily fo

xi man drove off. There seems to be something Fishy betwee

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