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Nothing Like A Perfect Moment

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1763    |    Released on: 25/10/2018

n when he heard a very loud cry. It was Ava's screa

s Ava who was lying on the hospital bed in tears a

and ran out of the

o followed him immediately to Ava's ward. But they tol

prays nothing happens to Ava. He was just getting to know her an

or came out from Ava's ward and

okay?" He a

have a word with you. I'm so sorry." The middle-aged docto

as already lying down on the bed. But her heart rat

e approaching him, s

ed and burst into tears immediately as he remembered in a few more minutes, he will be left alone

tearing up also. She took Lawrence hands

ery good care of yourself a

y. I will try my best to be the best father

best thing that has ever happened to me. You and Luis will always have a place in m

bbed and Ava gave him a sad smile. Who knew L

hem to the orphanage. The landlord's number is on the fridge in my apartment, you can get back to him to return the apartment keys. Then I have some change in my account for the

your father is owin

es next to m

debt. How much i

e over $

will settle it

in my account for Luis or give it to the or

rd, Ava let out a scream and clut

but this time with two nurses

d as the doctor and nurses did what they could to save Ava. But unfortunate

d as he fell on the groun

. There was no one he could lean on. No one to tell him it's going to be alright.

t day..

nces to Lawrence. They talked about the burial arran

uis, He came across a white shirt with dark prints on it which states "Daddy's little boy." Lawrence could not help with the smile that

to him and wrote a cheque, requesting him to give Mr Gills. Ava had an outstanding rent but he settled it. He took all Luis things and dropped them at the

k to the hospital to go check on his son. Of course, h

d to Lawrence as they both stood by

th a sad smile. Baby Luis

of here." She said and Lawrence nodded

you can buy and some website videos you can watch to help you learn more

eplied as he went

or help earlier on what to b

u will be a great father. Ava will be so prou

things he thought Luis might need for now and he also bought some books t

o some work on his laptop. He stopped for a while and thought of calling

t's me."

s worried. The last time he spoke to Lawrence was yesterday when he told him about Ava's death. L

. Planning Ava's burial

Ethan qu

liams" Lawerence replied as he remembe

n is Ava's bu

row mo

me come over." Ethan pleaded. He wa

an cope. Just stay over there

rence. You are handling thin

he strength." Lawrence replied with a sad sm

Luis?" Et

The Doctor said he should

s we should be expecting you gu

need to get stuff for Luis. I will order them on

hing for my nephe

ding a nanny?"

. But I've not deci

o get one eventually beca

u know my opinion on th

for me?" Lawrence asked. His for

ants. The interview is schedul

want someone compete

y. I will take care of

t you, " Ethan said, referring

nce s

ed to call her but it isn't going through and y

e suggested. " Or are you

not, " he

he's so worried about you. She's been bugging me all day, asking h

o them. Tell

talk tomorrow rig

ce said, Ethan gave his re

f his siblings because he is ashamed. He is embarrassed from all what had happened and d

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