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Ms. CEO vs. Mr. CEO

Ms. CEO vs. Mr. CEO

Author: Felicity

Chapter 1 Hotel Employee (1)

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 18/12/2018

y Tao and all the man cheered and agreed. There were about twenty or more encounters happened in the past three years since Alex became the leader of the organization in the Asian Region. But nobo

rvice are the name of the game. Today, was just a normal day for her except that one of her colleagues was sick, she has to replace her in the Public Area. There is an on-going activity in the hotel which is at

first, the area they were playing at she just cleaned it, second, they might meet an accident because the f

rl. What is your na

r is slippery after saying this, the 2 boys threw 2 pillows directly to her face and laughed. It drew attention to people. While Juliana, shouted Stop! You are bad! You are bad! and tears are about to fall. But Alex, told her, baby im fine, your

, don't run around

master of the sheep. No other person ever did it. They did not even obey him when he is talking to them. In the couch, the 3 kids and Alex a

how old a

u Jarred, I am 8 years o

g care of her and become her idol. Big brothers are like heroes. They protect, love and taking care of the people close to

ymore, she passed awa

prised and her heart ached a little bit for

only the 3 of you will protect and love each other while your dad is away. Of c

in his heart. Who is this woman, is she married, is

d you have each other. A lot of them, no parents to call mom and dad, and you, you have your dad. A lot of them, they don't experience to sleep in a comfortable bed but you, I think you have you

n I have time, I will b


act as a hero okay"? The boys n

g. Are we going to fly and fight"?

simple people without wearing any costumes. And they are kind, beha

? asked

from now on, you sh

y smiled and adm

r name? Asked Jarred. I am Alex. With a smile you can call me, Auntie Alex. Rem

t happened. Until the activity was finished

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1 Chapter 1 Hotel Employee (1)2 Chapter 2 Hotel Employee (2)3 Chapter 3 Hotel Employee (3)4 Chapter 4 Alexandra Yang (1)5 Chapter 5 Alexandra Yang (2)6 Chapter 6 Alexandra Yang (3)7 Chapter 7 Alexandra Yang (4)8 Chapter 8 Alexandra Yang (5)9 Chapter 9 Alexandra Yang (6)10 Chapter 10 Villa Hotel11 Chapter 11 Villa Hotel (2)12 Chapter 12 Investigation13 Chapter 13 Investigation (2)14 Chapter 14 Investigation (3)15 Chapter 15 Investigation (4)16 Chapter 16 Nicole (1)17 Chapter 17 Nicole (2)18 Chapter 18 Atty. Alexandra Yang (1)19 Chapter 19 Atty. Alexandra Yang (2)20 Chapter 20 Atty. Alexandra Yang (4)21 Chapter 21 Family22 Chapter 22 Family (2)23 Chapter 23 Dating the Nanny (1)24 Chapter 24 Dating the Nanny (2)25 Chapter 25 Protection26 Chapter 26 Protection (2)27 Chapter 27 Protection (3)28 Chapter 28 Protection (4)29 Chapter 29 Protection (5)30 Chapter 30 Protection (6)31 Chapter 31 Protection (7)32 Chapter 32 Protection (8)33 Chapter 33 Protection (9)34 Chapter 34 Protection (10)35 Chapter 35 Protection (11)36 Chapter 36 Don’t mess with me37 Chapter 37 Don’t mess with me (2)38 Chapter 38 Don’t mess with me (3)39 Chapter 39 Don’t mess with me (4)40 Chapter 40 The new CEO41 Chapter 41 The New CEO (2)42 Chapter 42 Alej and Charles43 Chapter 43 Bullied Husband Club44 Chapter 44 The Proposal45 Chapter 45 The Visit46 Chapter 46 The Visit (2)47 Chapter 47 Auntie Sally (1)48 Chapter 48 Auntie Sally (2)49 Chapter 49 The Negotiation50 Chapter 50 Rescue Operation (1)51 Chapter 51 Operation (2)52 Chapter 52 Meeting Alexandra Yang, The CEO and The Lawyer