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Chapter 4 The Revelation

Word Count: 1700    |    Released on: 10/04/2019


ing to my long time best friend over phone. Somehow, she had managed to st



Eva. "But wh

ot?" Jaz

the Kevin Wright! God knows what does he

e you know him for years" Jaz seemed genuinely inter

each and ever

s! Wowww Evs, very first day of your job an

o you even realise w

he has been caged into that wheelchair for months! Sure everyone treats him with extra care. . . And may be he is drowned in self pity, that's why when you said y

t's see, now what he doe


Eva would arrive at ten, Kevin would give her series of works that to be done

morning because of the traffic,

vously. Was Kevin alright, the very first thing that

ears. That confused Eva more. "Who is here? Why are you. . . "


and you are still. . .I mean, I am already 27, my parents, they want me to get married! I didn't want you to know this from someone else, t

this job. But she just couldn't take her eyes of Kevin. The man she knew for 2 weeks now was totally someone else! His eyes were grave, hi

." Kevin said, h

ust fought with an urge to throw the file at her, she was holding. "How mean she is!" Eva murmured, and without even thinking sh

nt in her eyes, hoping Kevin w

in line. It was clear from her expression, she was expecting Kevin to be in ag

u. I must say you are really beautiful. Your would be husband

behaviour. Only he could manage to see Eva once and Alis

d of course you can come with your girlfriend

umed looking at Alish

evin said staring at Eva. His face held no expression, so Ev

outh only gets acti

out then and there, "I met Mam at the entrance. . .I am sorry if I. . ." befo

for her to work. After two hours, working alone in that room, Eva tried to lo

t be t

tly. "Mr Wright,

here gripping it's handle. The destruction was over, around thirty framed photog

s, I mean, you can demonstrate your anger on them too, i

smile broke across his face for

it you at all" he paused, "Sumo, yes, peo

on't mind, you can call m

rprised!" Kevin stopped abruptly, as if he, himself was surprised of his

on. "Don't you want to know why am I in t

nt to, I a


a, as if he wanted to read her reaction with this tiny bit of a revelation. She smiled. . .with her encouragement Kevin continued, "We were different, our goals, our thinking, our ways of expressing things. . .everything. . .but still we loved each

rty. Alisha was wearing black thigh length dress, yes it was pret

to take a taxi as both of us were drunk. So I called for one. You know we shouldn't

prise she giggled. That took me off guard and I punched him, on his face. But I knew I couldn't take the

appened?" Ev

g away leaving me like this. Then something hard hit my head, and I fell on the ground and I saw a motorcycle coming towards me and. . .and it just smashed my back!

, and plasters, all over me. Doctors Diagnosed after doing several of te

Alisha? Didn

nths, then one fine day she realised she could not wait longer, she realised I might have been caged in this w

u still haven't moved on? You are still hurt just because she is getting married! A

to be with a cripple? Anyone would

ere her, I wouldn't hav

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