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Bound By Her Bump

Bound By Her Bump


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1381    |    Released on: 19/04/2019

t of the blue, making Ella, her bes

nd even though she wasn't sure about her reaction. It hadn'

in shock, her eyes not leaving A

r loud and clear but she didn't mind

eived but when did it happen? I never knew you were seeing someone." Ella voiced out,

seeing anyone and neith

some juice in it on a small table beside her. They were seated in Annie's

ving him or her by Insemination. Th

onse to what Annie said but no words came out. Her brain was findin

on you but this is way more than all I've ever done to you." Ella said, hoping it

dure started a couple of weeks back. Getting the right sperm donor, I also had to do a couple of tests, I've been eating according to the meal

to terms with myself to know if this was what I truly wante

e you thinking Ann??? You're just 27 and already think

hrugged like it

est and kindest person I've ever known. You had no reason to think in that direction. You may not be dating anyone now but your soulmate will sure

me when I said I was don

e like the douchebags you've dated. There

dn't forgive myself if I go through with the procedure tomorr

hild alone comes with a whole lot of responsibility. Are you sure you're ready for this? I want to be assured

s what it is. Life is full of surprises. As for the baby asking for its father when he or she grows up, I have no idea what I will say to that but I know I'll c

right now, I won't think twice before strang

nie to get over it. She then made up her mind that all men were the same or perhaps, true love wasn't for her. So she decided to start h

you feel lonely or because you'

I have my type of job. I have you and my annoying but loving siblings so I kno

s old. Her mother, Angela remarried and now she has two younger siblings, Claire and Jayden; the most troublesome

d have wanted her grandchild to be conceived nat

an say to talk you o

hook he

being an aunt. I'll respect your decision and I promise to b

where she was seated and pulle

want me to come with you?" Ella didn't mind ditching work

your Boss will be comfortable with the idea of you not showing up at w

ppointed his son to take over and since then, Ella never fa

em, Annie. I can take

l be fine. I will let you kn

re?" Sh


be showing up at work to

to do too much. It all depends on my Doctor. If he insists I hav

uber. She started making YouTube videos out of boredom and it turned to something she could not do without. Ann was known for uploading amazin

an for a best frien

ed. "I love

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