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Family Matters: The Society Book 4

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2482    |    Released on: 11/06/2019


little, " Eric's voice drifted out o

prevalent those noises became. Ivy reminded herself to thank her brother Alex for his soundproofing efforts when renovating the shell of a building. After living so long alone, Ivy still found the pre

it as reserved by the cook. Eric was offering a winning smile to Wildwood's cook but Winston was having none of it. One hand was on his hips, th

inston said. "And as you ca

he doorway. He frowned at Russell's grin. "I was just tr

ce, so were we, "

l stick to the unclaim

k look and turned towards the fridge, container in hand

looked over Winston's shoulder while the cook

. "You just saw the remains of

's depths around the solid mass of the man. He gasped in mock astonishment. "You p

y starving, "

e is not for consumption." She frowned. "Not that it actually st

ns that others in The Society wanted to buy from her. The property was set up as small farm, predominantly to provide her with the ingredients to make the things she needed. While many items were starting to be moved outside and planted in the ground as spring took a firme

n. It was thought that by keeping the kitchen completely separate, everyone would realize there was no food in it. Instead, most of th

ooked around her kitchen. Because so many of the wolves clung to their belief of

the counters looked out of place, Ivy moved to her fridge to see if

to a container of topical hex remover, " I

lackberries?" He asked. His smile wid

t is not as Nathan believed, my hidden stash of pudding." Everything in the fridge looked as she left

ores. It caused a rash and about twenty four hours after the infected treated the rash and thought they were in the clear, a new outbreak would start. The silicon molds contained tablets desig

e looked at the edge. It showed the clear marks of teeth alon

, " he said. "Sweet

them. Both Ivy and Russell turned and saw Hackett standing in the doorway. Ivy sighed.

to the many warning signs posted throughou

elled like food. Didn't taste like it though, I spit it out

. It dissolves and if you have a hex under your skin it removes it, if you don't it just makes you

in the fridge?

mperature controlled envi

bath stuff next to

other kitchen. There is only bath type stuff, and lau

ng, " Hackett said huffily. "Then

ed more signs, Ivy

gets refilled on Wednesdays, " she told Hack

ay and miss talking to you before the Seers arrive."

over lunch?

ooked around as though he expected Ivy

ards the door and Hackett looked slightly disappointed as he backed into t

logical possibilit

e?" Ivy asked as they all move

I don't want to s

o share?" Ivy asked. Hackett had the grace to blush

riosity than anything

inston didn't look upset, Ivy suspected he hadn't taken the container he want

as he moved three plates to the table. He then added

d. She still found it strang

he stove. Ivy saw several large pots containing various liquids all simmering away on the stove top burners. As she

half of her sandwich and took a bite. It was fixed exactly as she would have done herself. S

uttered under his breath, making sure Wins

tt continued, ignoring Russell's

ted. "That's why I'v

w the pack would be improved by their addition to our community,

hing to do with the pack. It's just mage business." Ivy took another bite of her sandwich while Hackett mulled her s

siblings moved to Wildwood, the pack was grateful for the mage assistance in securing their homes. As her mate, Russell

er or her siblings to get involved in what they called pack business. Somehow it never occurred to any of them that there would be an

ho were accustomed to being in charge currently having issues coming to terms with a sector in thei

and you sort of arbitrate between the different packs and groups of other shifters. " Again color c

hat could potentially cause some issues, especially since a lot of pack business also takes place under the roof. Which makes i

oning and he nodded. Ivy watched

, " Ivy told him. They'll be living in town. Since there are quite a few people i

Ivy could tell he desperately wanted to take charge, but was left with few avenu

y stood and Winston stepped over to take her plate and glass before she could walk it t

t staying here, " Hackett said,

are. They will be here this afternoon a

kett began unsure how

her in the archives, she provided the information to him and no one else. Hackett didn't like not having a name for the Shifter Irina was married to. She suspected once he had the name he would do

use for years, " Ivy said, stre

lied. "Then you…ha

t her and when she didn't offer

ed, " Hackett said. He l

'll leave you two to pack busin

behind his sandwich as she left the kitchen. She smiled back

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