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Brownie Oxford and the Seabridge Surprise: Brownie Book 4

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1582    |    Released on: 11/06/2019


While I normally tried my hardest not to think of Swift's personal relationships and everything they entailed, there were a few things I noticed about former federal agent Mike's relationship with Nicol

cause Nicole told me last time

urking, but I wanted Nicole to be there so Swift would be forced to

slow and I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the elevator ding at the end of the hall. I set down my pen and notebook an

ath into the door while sneaking a peek into the hall to watch my neighbors. She knocked and Swift's door opened. She went ins

d then I opened my apartment door, stepping into the hallway. Taking a deep steadying breath, I plastered a polite s

it in the mirror wh

to interrupt, I just had a quic

opened the door wider, stepping back to invite me in. I crossed the threshold stepping into Swift's apartmen

u expect?" S

eat creep to my cheeks. Nicole frowned. I knew that as apartment manager she did

w they lived here, " I remind

" she conceded. "We've just had a fe

in front of the building. As Nicole was the first one to officially recognize the body, the Searchers then tr


ever figure out who he was an

cole replied. She shutter

e serial killers though, " Swi

iller groupie

he said. "Are you still

her head snapped around so she was looking at

ter and I'd hate to move then have to move again once I found a job. So a

strike policy?

ific times spent with Swift over the years. I reminded myself that he was there to drag me back to th

he man on the lawn?" Swift asked, his smile faded

tore things so my apartment doesn't get crowded. I know you arrived a week earlier than intended and had to put your stuff into storage while wa

gratulate myself. If I counted up the number of times I managed to surprise h

I'd like to get the extra stuff out before I have to star

ometime this week. If I leave it la

or a visit. "That would be great, thanks. An

o move?" Nicole asked nervously as

e there been a lot of move outs?"

alf occupancy, "

way. "No wonder it's been so quiet. I just thought I

he semester, " Nicole said. "We've adverti

I assured her. She smiled and I went back t

elf as I opened my door an

d the standard office hour days, leaving the building around seven thirty in the morning and returning about six in the evening. Because my schedule was so different, I never really

s it was more convenient. In addition, I tried not to spend too much time looking out of this window as it fast the small cemetery filled with the Bradfo

n't want to en

ront looks any emptier when I go t

thought about it a moment and realized I was amused at asking him to pick the storage unit, possibly even as amused as he

hing proactive, ' I though

oing. In the high stakes game we were playing, Swift was definitely the cat while I was the mouse. Mice scurried to avoid the cats, they didn't knock on the ca

that no part of him was st

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