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Love Over Everything

Love Over Everything


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1374    |    Released on: 02/07/2019

time as she rested her head against th

rough the front mirror. She replied him with

her breakup with Connor, her ex-boyfriend, Naomi had been nothing but a mess, Her whole life turned upside down. She didn't l

up with Connor left her devastated. She thought he was the love of her life, the man She wo

d her he didn't feel the chemistry between them again and that h

like to end up with a man who felt nothing for her. But des

nd their daughter to represent them at a function in another state. Perhaps she

h Naomi's parents were very rich, she never tagged along with them whenever they had functions to attend, It was either they

p so Naomi had no choice but to represent

dn't even realize they had gotten to the venue. Naomi just wanted the night to be over, ge

d helped her come down from the car. "I'll call you when I'm read

." He smiled at her before maki

were all over taking pictures. Even though she was used to it,

tly, making it less obvious that she

red sexy dress with matching heels, jewellery and clutch. Na

some were on their feet, trying to mingle. The waiters were also walking to and fro with trays of champagne. The function was full of the rich and elegant people,

motherly voice i

saw a familiar f

suppose you're

was about to give the woman a handshake bu

e girl. Look at you now, you've grown into a be

s Smith." She

friend of hers, even though they only saw each

call me Sarah or Mom." Na

average height with brown hair. Despi

Naomi apologized sincerely on her parents' behalf even when she clearly knew her parents

and and my son later on. I hope you enjoy the function." Sarah smiled and

aiter that was passing before she took a seat a

were served and after that, Naomi decided to go hang out in the bar area. She was tired of sitting among

ok and headed to sit on a comfortable stool behind the bar counter. Unfortunately, she cou


elp but notice a very attractive woman. She was putting on a red dress which enhanced all her curves and a little bit of cleavage. Red was

rprised him more was that he saw his mom make friendly conversations with her.

she acted uncomfortable around the couples

ll day. Heck, I'm sure you weren't even listening to al

st captures my attention. She's so beautifu

re playboy. "You say this every time you meet a new girl and then after you get what

ething about her that got me hooked, I've not been

directly confessed that you weren't li

urther, Christopher spoke. "She's now alone at the bar. I think this is my opportun

him his glass of wine and walked towards the

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