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City of Ice and Fire

Chapter 22 WolfClan is Finally Here! (Malec)

Word Count: 4456    |    Released on: 28/10/2019


as Goldenclaw slides down the slope into the hollow. Once he hits the bottom, Goldenclaw has to crane


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1 Chapter 1 Allegiances and Prologue2 Chapter 2 Coming to A Decision3 Chapter 3 Sparkpaw of HunterClan4 Chapter 4 Simon's Interlude5 Chapter 5 Training in the Sandy Hollow6 Chapter 6 Sharing News (Malec)7 Chapter 7 A New Mission (Clace)8 Chapter 8 A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)9 Chapter 9 Meanwhile in HunterClan...10 Chapter 10 Unwarranted Assault AKA When the Malec Ship sets Sail11 Chapter 11 Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)12 Chapter 12 The Mortal Stick is Taken13 Chapter 13 Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)14 Chapter 14 Why does the Mundane have to come along (Malec) (Climon)15 Chapter 15 Rain and Loss (Malec)16 Chapter 16 A Story of Lost Dreams17 Chapter 17 Simon the Vampire (Climon) (Malec)18 Chapter 18 How to Conquer Fear (Malec) (Climon)19 Chapter 19 Silverpaw its Been so Long (Malec)20 Chapter 20 A Secret Meeting at FourTrees21 Chapter 21 Vultureclaw is Acting Suspicious and He's not the Only One22 Chapter 22 WolfClan is Finally Here! (Malec)23 Chapter 23 Escape from the Shadows24 Chapter 24 The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril25 Chapter 25 You Can't Save Everyone Arrowheart (Malec)26 Chapter 26 Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion27 Chapter 27 The Werecats Howl at the Moon28 Chapter 28 The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)29 Chapter 29 Terrible News30 Chapter 30 The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)31 Chapter 31 Sparkpaw Has a Dream32 Chapter 32 New Destiny and the Frozen Stream33 Chapter 33 Heart to Heart (Malec)34 Chapter 34 It's Time to Take Back Sunningrocks35 Chapter 35 Victory!36 Chapter 36 Prey Problems37 Chapter 37 Who is to Blame 38 Chapter 38 Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)39 Chapter 39 Reconnaissance 40 Chapter 40 Battle on the Frozen River41 Chapter 41 Alderpaw Cuts it Close42 Chapter 42 Forest Clash43 Chapter 43 Blood Transfusion (Clace)44 Chapter 44 Reunited (Malec)