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Billionaire in Control

Chapter 5 five

Word Count: 1094    |    Released on: 31/08/2019


ubbly inside, but Matthias Lekas had just jo

few times, but his reputation had always kept me from being eve

remely attractive. His green eyes looked unnatural

estion finally sinking in

smile that made my face feel warm

my hea

ittle odd and out of the blue. He smiled and nodded his

appreciate you coming in today. Things got a little h

roblem. I

o dinner, " he said, his gr

dry. That had been about the last thi

he clarified, answering my question about whether it w

eding car. My heart was leaping at the opportunity,

He had something about him that I wanted to ge

said and immediately fe

ick you up at s

g him, but I wasn't that lost in th

ll the man where I lived, even though I was sure h

'' he

position to be his personal assistant. Which is quite odd, to say the least, c

paid, the business trips, and how much I

replies, my heart stopped as

." Matthias pulled out a document


out something so awkward. "It's about

. "Are yo

e, '' he said

with his cursive handwriting titled Ru

curfew at


every event

ctly by nine... not a minute bef


?'' He

I couldn't find the w

out, "

'' I que

iness. Nothin

'' I wh


lped me out of the car, I took in the surroundings, the spraw

surrounded by shrubs, trees, and blooming flowers. A ston

steps and was spotted aroun

" he said to my ear before I

tone walkway and then up the short flight of steps to the landin

shed against my bare shoulder, and I'd never been so glad to have chosen a sleevel


usinessmen and women wandering around in luxurious clothes with dri

s and I was the only

"I pulled out of his embrace to turn and look at him. B

d then

?'' I

It's probably

t to hear

we kissed a few times it

e yo

replied quick

very wrong, but my body pressed up against his felt so right. I wrapped my ar

kiss on earth like there was no on

me like that. And now

ped into his mouth, gently exploring. Before I c

, his tongue colliding with mine

was breathing heavily, his

, '' I re

t be attracted to me, but I knew it now. There was

go, '' h

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