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Cap'n Warren's Wards

Cap'n Warren's Wards


Chapter 1 "

Word Count: 3343    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

nd yelling his loudest, so as to be heard above the ra

car lamps, his wet nose glistened as if varnished. Over his shoulders the shiny ropes of rain whipped and lashed acr

in the seat nearest the rear slept soundly, as he had done for the last hour and a half. He had boarded the train at Brockton, and, after r

nowadays, and similar cheerful topics. And in his seat on the left, Mr. Atwood Graves, junior partner in the New York firm of Sylvester, Kuhn and Graves, lawyers, stirred uneasily on the lumpy plush cushion, looked at his watch, then at the tim

g through the water-streaked pane at the end of his seat, the lawyer saw dim silhouettes of uncertain outline moving about. They moved with provoking slowness. He felt that it would be joy un

d again, sounded a big laugh. The heartiness of it grated on Mr. Graves's nerves.

the collar of which was turned up. Through the gap between the open ends of the collar bristled a short, grayish beard. The face above the beard and below the visor was sunburned, with little wrinkles

instant, evidently to add the finishing

t's too deep to wade, maybe I can swim. Fat floats, they tell

le. The pair of calamity prophets broke off their lament ov

"What's the south shore doi

r. "Broke loose from your moorin's, have you?

ach of his questioners, removing a pair

his man, Ezra Hallett, undertook to drive me up here to the depot. Talk about blind pilotin'! Whew! The Judge's horse was a new one, not used to the roads, Ezra's near-sighted, and I couldn't use my glasses 'count of the rain. Let alone that, 'twas darker'n the fore-hold of Noah's ark. Ho, ho! Sometimes we was in the ruts and s

the train, anyho

t." He seated himself just in front of the pair and glanced across

night," he rem

m. It seemed to Graves that he must have seen him before; and yet that was very improbable. This was the attorney's first visit to Cape Cod, and he had already vowed devoutly that it sh

fairs, still one whose opinions counted. Some of those opinions, as given, were pointed and dryly descriptive; as, for instance, when a certain town-meeting candidate was compared to a sculpin-"with a big head th

lect a ticket from his new passenger. It was evi

id, politely. "Train's

"but if it keeps on at the rate it's travelin' now, it'

rm as I've run through since I've been on the road. If we get to Provincetown wit

oarsely, and the train hiccoughed alongside another little station. Mr. Graves, peering through his window, imagined that here the silhouettes

the conductor a moment afterwards. That official entered the car, r

e's a washout a mile further on, and a telegraph pole across the track. It's blowing great guns and raining pitchfo

the platform, he put down the bag to wrestle with the umbrella and the hurricane, which was apparently blowing from four directions at once. Feeling his hat leaving his

im. "I've got your satchel, neighbor. Better

e of wind-driven water, and into a small, hot, close-smelling waiting room. When he pushed his hat clear of his eyes

d. I see you was carryin' too much canvas and tried to run alongside in time to give you

property and murmured thanks, not too cordially. His dignity and temper

ed to be somewheres else. Caleb," turning to the station master,

on't know of any. Guess you'll have to pu

alled "Dan," who was standing near. "T

ly seven miles off. I'd swim the whole seven rather than put up at Sim Titcomb's hotel.

ete Shattuck and ask him. He's pretty particula

to get over some of his particularness to

ere the telephone hung on the wall. But Mr

r. "Did I understand you to say

powers-and Pete S

Denboro to-night. I have some very important business there, and I want to comple

ver. There was a doubtful look on h

don't k

s is m

n't goin' to be a pleasure cruise

I shall share the expense of the livery. I shall be greatly obl

was only warnin' you, that's all. However, with me aboard for balla

d raised a big hand to the litt

he called; "what's

short," answered

ring the instrument for a full two seconds, repeating the ring four times altogether. This he followed with

eight receivers come down so far.... Two of 'em went up then, did you hear 'em?... Sartin ... I want to hire a team to go over home with... To-night-Sartin ..

Then the captain hung up the receiv

ongside soon's he can get it harnessed. If you've got any extra storm duds in that s

emerged from the station to board the Shattuck buggy. "Pete"

chsafed, in what might be called a reproachful shout. S

tain, looking first at the ancient

se out a nigh

ut.... There! there! never mind. Get aboard, Mr. Graves. Put your satch

yes. The lawyer clambered in behind it, the captain followed, the end of the reins was passed through a slit in the boot, Mr. Shattuck, after

of hoofs, in an interminable "jog, jog-splash, splash," never hurrying; a series of exasperated howls from the captain, who was doing his best to make them hurry; the thunderous ro

pping in the wind. Occasionally they passed houses sitting well back from the road, a li

s ear. They had attempted no conversation during the ride, the lawyer, whose contemptuous opinion of the locality and all its

an ever, isn't it?" yel

those bare hills we catch the full force of it right off the Sound. Be there pretty soon now, if this Old

's hoofs sounded hollow on the planks of a bridge. The road narrowed and became a village street, bordered and arched by tall tre

he shouted, "where was it you wanted t


ech!-I say where'bouts shall I land you. This is

your leading citizens. E


a Warr

what, to Graves, appeared to be an avalanche of scratching, tearing twigs and branches. They ripped away the boot and laprobe and

o rise, but the tangle of twigs before him seemed impenetrable, so he gave it up

. Graves, ahoy

s doubtful. "No-o, I-I gue

up and down!" These commands were evidently addressed to t

I can get out. What o

brush end, 'stead of the butt. Scooch down and

, stood on his feet in the road beside the buggy. The great limb had fallen across the street, its heavy end near

rse's head, holding the frightened animal by

ated New Yorker. "I'll

Graves, who did you sa

ole somewhere, I believe. If I had known what an experience I

re at the horse's h

tead of t'other end, I don't know but you might have seen him there. I

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