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Chapter 4 His eyes were starry

Word Count: 1452    |    Released on: 08/10/2019


too mesmerizin

ng at his gorgeous blue eyes, sile


hell w

and brushed a stray l

as hap

doing but still, I had to modest. I

re you

control. I felt like I h

t did he h

es and I hadn't had the slightest desire for mor

time, we gaped

mumbled before cra

checked on his pulse

and I could hear him mumbling t

at such a compromising

ignoring his pleas

ed to him. I didn't know what i

in on us at th

as aw

d departed from his prese

last look at the stranger whom I h

carrying him back to mother's room

s connection with him. It felt so good that I di

was nothing special about it, just a pelt to snuggle i

d cast my eyes at the only

s beginnin

p?" I heard fa

him and sm

have a talk." Fa

eeded to say. I noticed he was a b

ght?" I asked

ortled, "It's ju


royal family, they might be looking for him an


y with the healer until he is well

sense what w

about any of the things you just menti

. He was so unbelievable

push myself on a complet

Maisy, I'm af

d looking and had the eyes of an an

ave blurted a

se I know what fam

s he talking abou

now hi

her si

have to tell you this but

r knew so much about the outside world. He was the ki

I didn't use t

ally grew up h

continued, "We had to flee N

I inq

ur mother didn't want him but he didn't take No for an ans

o tears. I hugged him. He had never revea

o be happy. If he wanted me to

y could be so cruel, I gues


gdom of


best place for me

I was sure I would win and of cours

ound displaying the

ake the wor

l guilty killing your ste

ily on the table a

d. No wonder his attract

m. I almost did but I didn't. Instea

gination of beating

best day


get past me. I could i

nd no one could stop me fro

alienated me, Now, I'll show t

didn't help but I still feel l

, my eyes feeling warmer

hing technique my mother had taught me. It wor

sometimes Lewis. Yo

Lewis apo

table boy, " I mumbled

ers who had been making adv

er to come over and

g to be a w

needed r

aps and mumbled in my ear, "You're go

on the bed was unmatchable. First nights were the only time I paid

price, " I

ow many pouches of hold she needed

assaulter demand

uckled and held

pushed m

call me that

where Eric is!

ing to suspect all

me to know brot

d us wondering why the king's bastard son and

about him, I learned he wa

me a blow right in the mo

slodged and I

et him enjoy

rsed his family is and left for good,

ught it. My eyes felt warmer as I used every


nd pat

piraling to the floor jerking l

house mocked my half br

as strong as the res

me. He just stare

al An

gest you give it to me before the kingdom crumbles co

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