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Time Travelling: My Love from the Royal Family

Chapter 7 Please Forgive Me

Word Count: 1977    |    Released on: 19/01/2020

happened, My Lady? You went to deliver the baby of General Maxwell's concubine yesterda

d's eyes, Harper let out a we

er enter her room and poured her a cup of warm water.

with a wry smile. "Nina,

held Harper's hand and shuddered. She looked at Harper's fa

r she had lost her position in the Imperial Academy of Medicine and was rejected by Hansen, they would take advantage of her

mething on her palm carefully. Nina was surprised, but she remai

ly wrong." Harper then went into her room and took out a book of Buddhist sutras she had transcribed. She handed it to

e of the task she was asked to complete. After Nina left, Harper called in anot

t locked the door and didn't allow anyone of us to go out," Anabel answered respe

ce for a long time." Harper let out a pale smile. "

y Felicia, I don't understand why he decided to ground Lady Harper. Lady Harper will be the wife of

st my position in the Imperial Academy of Medicine," Harper expl

of you were born! My Lady, what should we do now?" Anabel became unsettled to hear that. She knew it very well

Harper took a deep breath, hoping that she could put up with it and

ware of her current situation. She told them that she had been grounded by Char

ave my place, I will give you two taels of silver. If you are willing to stay, I won't treat you harshly. My father doesn't like me, and I believe I

h each other. Harper was the daughter of Charles' first wife, who had passed away. She had two fi

marry Hansen, the heir of Prince Kevin. Now that Hansen had called off the engagement and Harper was even fired from the Imperial Ac

em the money and

silver. The four of them packed their belongings quickly and left the Emerald House. Har

knelt down immediately and kowtowed to Harper. Anabel opened her mouth to say something, bu

r looked at the two third-class maids who were standing silently with

lt and kowtowed to Harper. "You have always been nice to us,

ide. "Since you've decided to stay, I have something to say. As my maids, you don't need to be clever or eloquent, but you must be loy

at each other and answ

s going on in the Emerald Hou

s a good chance

ith a sneer. "Felicia, Harper has given you such

e I should thank her. Had it not been for her, I

ur father will be

cia nodded. After

didn't want to spare a single day to get rid of her. After that, they could prove her death to be a suicide following her rejection by

squinted as she looked at the food with suspicion. 'Has she come here to poison me?' If

Felicia was very cunning. She had been flirting with Hansen for s

d to me. But please don't be mad at me. It was His Highness's decision, and Father has agreed to it as well. You know it

to trust them to be nice to her. She was aware that she came in their away. Now that she had hi

ying to play?" Harper

hoked with sobs as if she was deeply hurt by Harper's allegations. She then took a sip of

o nice. She winked at Anabel, who gave her a pair of silver chopsticks immediately

licia said in a sad voice. "Harper, His Highness wants to marry me, which is also very surprising for me. You cann

it. "There is no need for that. I don't lik

ake a scene out of anger when she said that. But she didn't expect that Harper would have

a joke out of herself for Hansen. Now, how c

your state of mind, but Hi

disappointed with him. It was good for him to call off the engagement, which saved a lot of

he had never believed that Harper would really let go of Hansen so easily. Now that she

ut Harper managed to pull that off only because she truly loved Hansen. However, at the moment, she didn't love him anymore. Ra

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1 Chapter 1 Travelling Through The Time And Space2 Chapter 2 A Moment Of Life And Death3 Chapter 3 Clear Her Name4 Chapter 4 Jade's Death5 Chapter 5 Called Off The Engagement (Part One)6 Chapter 6 Called Off The Engagement (Part Two)7 Chapter 7 Please Forgive Me8 Chapter 8 Beat Her To Death (Part One)9 Chapter 9 Beat Her To Death (Part Two)10 Chapter 10 Go To The Country House11 Chapter 11 An Unlucky Day (Part One)12 Chapter 12 An Unlucky Day (Part Two)13 Chapter 13 She Might Have Ulterior Motives (Part One)14 Chapter 14 She Might Have Ulterior Motives (Part Two)15 Chapter 15 Going Back Home16 Chapter 16 A Masked Man17 Chapter 17 The Greek Gift (Part One)18 Chapter 18 The Greek Gift (Part Two)19 Chapter 19 An Eye For An Eye (Part One)20 Chapter 20 An Eye For An Eye (Part Two)21 Chapter 21 An Exclusive Kitchen (Part One)22 Chapter 22 An Exclusive Kitchen (Part Two)23 Chapter 23 Take You As My Concubine24 Chapter 24 Making Money25 Chapter 25 I Had A Poor Family26 Chapter 26 A Homicide Case (Part One)27 Chapter 27 A Homicide Case (Part Two)28 Chapter 28 A Head-on Blow (Part One)29 Chapter 29 A Head-on Blow (Part Two)30 Chapter 30 Hailey Is Back31 Chapter 31 The Undercurrent (Part One)32 Chapter 32 The Undercurrent (Part Two)33 Chapter 33 Harper Was Kidnaped (Part One)34 Chapter 34 Harper Was Kidnaped (Part Two)35 Chapter 35 Please Pay The Medical Fee36 Chapter 36 I Am Pregnant (Part One)37 Chapter 37 I Am Pregnant (Part Two)38 Chapter 38 Seeking Help39 Chapter 39 An Evil Plan (Part One)40 Chapter 40 An Evil Plan (Part Two)41 Chapter 41 Made An Alliance42 Chapter 42 Harper Poisoned Them43 Chapter 43 Venomous Slander (Part One)44 Chapter 44 Venomous Slander (Part Two)45 Chapter 45 Punishment46 Chapter 46 Cooperation47 Chapter 47 Self-conceited48 Chapter 48 Where Did The Poison Come From (Part One)49 Chapter 49 Where Did The Poison Come From (Part Two)50 Chapter 50 Put This Drug On Her Wedding Dress51 Chapter 51 Something Happened To Yvonne (Part One)52 Chapter 52 Something Happened To Yvonne (Part Two)53 Chapter 53 A Cruel Man (Part One)54 Chapter 54 A Cruel Man (Part Two)55 Chapter 55 Hoisted With Her Own Petard (Part One)56 Chapter 56 Hoisted With Her Own Petard (Part Two)57 Chapter 57 Being Deposed (Part One)58 Chapter 58 Being Deposed (Part Two)59 Chapter 59 Everything Is Predestined (Part One)60 Chapter 60 Everything Is Predestined (Part Two)61 Chapter 61 The Fire (Part One)62 Chapter 62 The Fire (Part Two)63 Chapter 63 Take It As A Compliment64 Chapter 64 Went Back Home65 Chapter 65 Invitation From The Bu Clan (Part One)66 Chapter 66 Invitation From The Bu Clan (Part Two)67 Chapter 67 Felicia's Plan68 Chapter 68 The Bu Clan's Intention (Part One)69 Chapter 69 The Bu Clan's Intention (Part Two)70 Chapter 70 Marry Into The Bu Clan71 Chapter 71 Want Her To Die72 Chapter 72 The Conflict Between Maxwell And Harper (Part One)73 Chapter 73 The Conflict Between Maxwell And Harper (Part Two)74 Chapter 74 An Enemy Behind The Attacker (Part One)75 Chapter 75 An Enemy Behind The Attacker (Part Two)76 Chapter 76 Is Lady Harper So Dissolute (Part One)77 Chapter 77 Is Lady Harper So Dissolute (Part Two)78 Chapter 78 The Chaos In The Chu Clan Mansion (Part One)79 Chapter 79 The Chaos In The Chu Clan Mansion (Part Two)80 Chapter 80 Who Was The Fiend (Part One)81 Chapter 81 Who Was The Fiend (Part Two)82 Chapter 82 Mavis Suspected Her (Part One)83 Chapter 83 Mavis Suspected Her (Part Two)84 Chapter 84 Enya Is Gone (Part One)85 Chapter 85 Enya Is Gone (Part Two)86 Chapter 86 Cross Over To Harper (Part One)87 Chapter 87 Cross Over To Harper (Part Two)88 Chapter 88 Carrie In Trouble (Part One)89 Chapter 89 Carrie In Trouble (Part Two)90 Chapter 90 Carrie's Death (Part One)91 Chapter 91 Carrie's Death (Part Two)92 Chapter 92 Harper's Plan To Deal With Hansen (Part One)93 Chapter 93 Harper's Plan To Deal With Hansen (Part Two)94 Chapter 94 An Ambush (Part One)95 Chapter 95 An Ambush (Part Two)96 Chapter 96 Matthew's Request (Part One)97 Chapter 97 Matthew's Request (Part Two)98 Chapter 98 Start With You (Part One)99 Chapter 99 Start With You (Part Two)100 Chapter 100 The Evidence (Part One)