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Loving Bezzie

Chapter 3 Black Mail (Part )

Word Count: 917    |    Released on: 13/02/2020

ic because we still have a lesson. Okay, Jay, we are just missing one so that we could complete your band.

e include her? Besides, having a girl in a band makes i

could not be able to attend the rehearsals. Sorry, I can't, " Cissie rejected it right

can practice here if we have time, " he continued. Cissie was about to say somet

along with Jeff, Jun and Cissie you are all in-charge of the band. I will monitor your progress from time to time so be

re important than anything else. My boss might kick me out

ven if you are tardy every day as long as the reason is valid. And, if I hear that anyone

ss her anymore in front of the whole class? She will

take it back?" Cissie t

hance, " she

." Their teacher even raised her

Cissie said with

we will celebrate at the beach. You will be exempted from our long quiz before the third grad

for the first time, Miss Langit, who's known as a te

long time. They already feel comfortable with one another even though they had a bad introdu

e we don't have a bassist. Bass isn't that difficult to learn and I

does, my days in this school will be over and you'll be the one

e with me so I can have someone to

not doing well in school. Well, if you don't see me here in school anymore, that means I was ousted of the mansion." It was evident from the tone of Cissie's voice that sh

..", Jay's words were cut because

whatever interesting topic you have there? Don't keep it between the two of you, who

ady have their own wo

r classmates

y're just like beauty and the beast!" Steph opp

ver our plan to perform. I'm rea

reful next time or you will be humiliated. Well, you'd really be famous in an ironic w

not happen again, " Cissie apologi

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