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Old Man Savarin Stories


Word Count: 3638    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

el-catfish before she used up all the worms in her tomato-can. Therefore she was i

for fish too much. You like me make you present of six or seven dor

he old lady got out her short black cl

e. "Sit down, M'sieu. For sure I like to be her

ch, beginning to tumble a mile to the westward, poured a roaring torrent half a mile wide into the broader, calm brown reach below. Noble elms towered on

that flowed radiantly from its blaze. Through the glamour of the evening mist and the maze of J

the full length of his reach. Then it was drawn out and at once thrown upward again, if no capture had been made. In case he had taken fish, he

some now," said Ma'am

rong enough to sco

time Old Man Savarin was catched up with. No, eh? Well, I'll t


fifteen den. Dat's long time 'go, eh? Well, for sure, I ain't so old like what I'll look. But Old Man Savarin was old already. He'

or scoop dere, an' my gran'fader-the Laroques scoop dere all de time since ever dere was some Rapid Rataplan. Den Old Man Sava

! Dat's my fader's platform fo

scoop front of his land, for Ladoucier one big fool. De lan's mine now, a

show you 'bout d

Old Man Savarin is fetch my fader up before de magi

you one lesson,' Old

isse, dere hain' no use for take it out in malediction. De

' mawny. He's scoop, he's scoop. He's catc

ishin' on my land, eh? Come out

nine shillin' for fi

eave. But you ain't pay nothin' for fish here wis my

er time. An' de magistrate make

fish on my fader's platf

ink he don't have for pay me no rent, because you'

form than he was at the start. My fader is ver' angry. He's cry, he's tear his shi

in debt at his big store. He is grin, grin, and told everybody how he learn my fader two good lesson. An' he is

you want?'

e fish y


llar a ye

no. Dat's

my lan', if you hain

tief,' my

,' de old rascal say to his clerk. 'If he

o death. Only my moder she's

de bill. So den my fader hain't scare no more, an' he is shake his fist good under Old Man Savarin'

ace for fish, but I'll take my p

on my land. But you go on my land, and see if I

. Nex' ting we hear, Frawce Seguin has r

was good friend. But my fader he is go to Frawce Seguin's place an' he is told

. Den Old Man Sava

rate an' learn him anoder l

or?' Fra

y to sca

n't hurt

say he will

ecause he's ve

r say. 'I'll be goin' fo

re?' Fra

! Yes; f

t den, Narcisse. When

runk. I'll be goin' for

, I'll be goin' get drunk for lick you'-Canadien hain't n

e Seguin he's go cross de road on Joe Maufraud's hotel, an' he's drink all da

r for fear he's go 'cross de road for keel Frawce Seguin dead. Pierre Seguin an' Magloire Sauve is hold Frawce for fear he's come

he's yell, 'Let me at him!' But de men hain't goin' for let dem loose, for fear one is stri

eeskey for de crowd. Den Marceau and Joe Maufraud tol' dem bose it was a shame for two cousins to fight so bad. An' my fader he's say



nd in front of his store all de time, an' he's say: 'I'll tink I'll f

is Alphonsine Seguin scare. She's seventeen, an' she wait for de fight to be all over. Den she ta

d he's groaned: 'Ah-ugh-I'm sick, sick, me

h,' my moder she's say, angry.

sick. An' I hain' got no place for scoop fish

e lower down,' my

Jawnny L

Jawnny he's hire fo

up. Send for M'sieu le Curé-I

gry. 'Sick, eh? Lazy, lazy-dat's so. An' dere hain't no fish for de li

do dat mawny? I take de big scoop-net an' I'll come up here for see if I'll be able

m. Alphonsine's fader is sick, sick, same like my fader, an' all de Seguin boys is too little fo

edar bush, an I'll know ver' good what he's watch for. He's watch for catch my fader go on his ow

t be scoop none. Dat's make me more angry. I'll loo

ousin no more. It is mean, mean for Frawce Seguin to rent my fader's platform for please dat old rascal Savarin.' Meb

some more. She's try for lift her net. She's try hard, hard, but she hain't able. De net is down in de rapid, an' she

'll laugh good some more, for I'll want Alphonsine f

away de net. Den Alphonsine she will lose her fader's scoop wis de st

But I'll only just laugh, laugh. Non, M'sieu; dere was not one man out on any of de oder platform dat mawny for to

r's platform. He's take hold for help Alphonsine, an' dey's bose pull, and pr

ome den? Why, dat Old Man Savar

or de Rapid is too loud. But pretty quic

is say. 'Didn't I save him? Wasn't

good. Dass such

latform, quick!' Al

y sturgeon,

your sturgeon. It's my

one lesson 'bou

o one side, an' de old rascal he is grab at de fish, an' de heft of de sturgeon is make him fall on his face, so he's tumble in de R

. For sure he's goin' for be draw into de culbute an' get drown' dead, if I'll not be able

water is run so fast, I'm mos' 'fraid de old man is boun' for pull me in when I'll scoop him.

in one bit. I'll only be able for hold on an' laugh, laugh-he's look ver' queer! All I can

uick he's got hold of de cross-bar of de ho

n,' he say,

't be able,

on wis me to de hannle. I was laugh good some more. When de old villain see us

phonsine she's say. 'Well, den, us bose will learn M'sieu Sav

et out de hannle, quick'-and he's under de water some more

n' if you don't pull m

er' glad,' Alphonsine she's say. 'Den they's

m offle. He's begin f

say. 'I'll give you

' Alphonsin

d he's say, 'Q

an' me is

some more. 'I hain't

' Alphonsine she's say. 'One quarte

y when I fall

ive me for lose my big

ou'll want,


say. For all he was not feel fit for die,

ome more,' Alpho

y de two dollare,' he's say w

me. But you hain't scooped by me. You's in Marie's net. I'll only come f

no sturgeon for

times. You's make my moder pay his bill wis my weddin' money. What you goin' pay for all dat? You tink I'll be goin'

you want?

for de platfor

e's say, an' he's begin to

an' give him some more,

So we's pull him up near to de platform, only we hain't big 'nuff fool for

or save me from be drown' dead in the culbute!' He's run for his house an' he's put on dry cl

ver' bad magistrate. He's

u like dat. Hain't you tink your life worth twelve dollare? Didn't dey save you from de culbute? Monjee! I'll

ain't you goin' to learn dose girl one l

strate is say. 'Dose two young girl is ver' wicked, eh? Yes, dat's so. But for why? Hain't dey just do to you what you been doin' ever since you was in beesness? Don'

Frawce Seguin is laugh most of all, till he's catch hup wis bose of dem anoder t

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