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Cinq Mars -- Volume 5


Word Count: 3422    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

on de Lorme. A thick snow covered the roofs of Paris and settled in its large gutt

in his cloak, slowly walked up and down, constantly watching for the appearance of some one. He often seated himself upon one of the posts of the church, sheltering himself from the falling snow under one of the statues of saints which jutted out from the roof of the building, stretching over the narrow path like birds

the North!" said a woman's voice, trembling. "Ah, the duc

ls of Paris have Cardinalist ears, and more especially the walls of the

; she has

ndchamp. "The sound o

a bad

sounded the hour

ng-bell. But be silent, Laure;

ollowed them, made sure of the road they too

. It's all very well for you to carry love-letters and ribbons and portraits and such trash, but for me, I ought to be treated with more co

r arrived long,

e to smoke three Turkish pipes. Attend to your business, and go and look to the other doors of the church, and

word when it is so cold! and my poor mistress! to come on foot

I tell thee. Let me hear no

hamp! You were much more amiable at Chaumont, in

Italian is only good for buffoons and rope-

all hear the language of the gods. If you were a gall


a felici, e

pensando p

ascolti su

ede alcun ve

ays fluctuated between an awkward compliment and an ebullition of temper. But on this occasion he appeared moved by the Italian song, and twiste

lent, little one. I have not yet heard the Abbe Quillet come. This troubles me.

the Place St. Eustache, answered that she w

lve, ove'pe

suoi raggi al

, and a gutter runs down on my head, and there's death at my heart; and yo

he leaned his gray head upon his hands, pensive a

mp, the young and trembling Marie with a timid ha

He made sure that it could not be opened on the outside, and then followed his betrothed to kneel within the place of penitence. Arrived an hour before her, with his old valet, he had found this open-a certain and understood sign that the Abbe Quillet, his tutor, awaited him at the accustomed place. His care to pr

els -the darkest of them-was the confessional, of which we have before spoken, whose high iron grating and thick double planks left visible only the small dome and the wooden cross. Here, on either side, knelt Cinq- Mars and Marie de Mantua. They could scarcely see each other, but found that the Abbe Quillet, seated between them, was there awaiting them. T

hat young head upon which rested all his hopes. Despite his love, whenever he looked upon her he could not refrain from a kind of dread at having undertaken so much for a girl, whose passion was but a feeble reflection of his own, and who perhaps would not appreciate al

to the Caroussel, or whether the weather was fine. Hitherto, he had smiled at these questions and this ignorance, pardonable at eighteen, in a girl born to a throne and accustomed to a grandeur natural to her, which she found around her on her entrance into life; but now he made more serious reflections upon this character. And when, but just quitting the imposing asse

ould be seen by my people coming out of the Hotel de Nevers. How much longer must I yet conceal myself like a criminal? The Queen was very angry when I avow

nq-Mars replied on

not speak to

your terrors?" asked

a tone, with what a voice, do you address

the things you are to hear-for I see

loomy and bitter tone of

id, "that you should call me Mad

in his tone. "'Tis not, indeed, you who are gui

rdered the death of any one? Oh, no, I

he Queen's boudoir? Can I no longer read in your eyes? Was the fire which animated them that of a love for Richelieu?

urst in

t. Henri, believe that if I have avoided this terrible subject in our last interviews, it is from the fear of learning too much. Have I any other thought that that of your dangers? Do I not know that it is for me you incur them? Alas! if you fight for me, have I not a

inq-Mars, bitterly. "I well conceive you must need some efforts to resis

n! what is there,

st us," replied Henri, in a sever

ted movement on th

is is the misfortune I dreamed and

d Cinq-Mars; "he betrayed me by the villain Josep

orror which half opened th

the broad day will light them up; but there remains a duty-a sacred duty- for me to fulfil. Behold your son sacrifice himself before

him from his old tutor; the latter, still observing an

ars, in a tone less firm; "I can not keep it unless she give it me

ssed it through the opposite grating; this

he said, "are yo

kened a faint echo along the aisles of the church, as the softe

. Do you think yourself undone, because he is perhaps unwilling to separate from his old servant? Well, let us await the return of his friendship; forget these conspirators, who affright me. If they give up hope, I shall thank Heaven, for then I shall no longer tremble for you. Why ne

mself the place of his exile (our party desired his death, but the recollection of my father made me ask his life). The King said that he himself would direct the whole affair at Perpignan; yet just before, Joseph, that foul spy, had issued from out of the cabinet du Lys. O Marie! shall I own it? at the moment I heard t

ans?" sa

Spain was in my h

vens! de

is g




rid, all at Sedan. Armies await me, Marie-armies! Richelieu is in the midst of them. He totters; it nee

the rebel," sh

of the scaffold, I know it," cried the impassioned youth, falling on his knees;

n the blood of your coun

t a word from you will vanquish me, and once again the time for reflection will be passed from me. Yes, I am a c

d; "for I am your wi

appiness; "bless this second union, the work of devotion, even

f the confessional and had quitted the church

ing? What is the

one a

n!" said Marie, "or I am lost; he has

his late tutor through the church, but in vain. Drawing his sword, he procee

orner of the street; and at the same mo

t thou answer?"

boy!" exclaimed the vo

anger me," said the grand

thout a hat in the falling snow, w

e villains, the assassins! they prevented me from ca

t awakened. Laure, terrified, ran into the church to her mistress; all h

There were more than twenty of them; they took

id Cinq-Mars; "and

hey have kept me

cried Henri

Grandchamp; "I have slept while my mas

ional?" continued Cinq-Mars, anxiously, whi

id you not see the rascal

" cried al

," answered th

re lost!" c


ed me incapable

le while t

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