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Repay Love Debts With Heart

Chapter 3 He Finally Found His Sister

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 21/07/2020

the phone. "He

, your sister has been found

mp up from his chair in excitement. "What d

r. She's in W University right now. I made an appoint

is forehead in an effor

ere right now. Wait for me at the gate of W University. If she

hone. She brought a bowl of pork congee for Lyman

"Lyman, you haven't eaten your b

n the forehead. "Rosaline, I found Inna

ar the news. "Really? You

replied, "Don't worry. Inna has a birthmark on her ar

ited as she looked at Lyman's retreating fi

orts car. After sitting in the driver's seat, he closed his

and whispered, "Inna, you must wait

ive towards the school. All he wanted at the m

a few

tective walked up to him as soon a

efore anxiously asking, "Have

rphanage by a couple with the surname Lin. She has lived a good life thus far and has excellent

hand. The story of his sister

ught of meeting Inna soon made him fe

looked at her watch. She had been waiting f

igure from a distance and

ind her, he called out in

na stood up stiffly before turning around to face the man behi

nds on her cheeks. He felt a familiar fee

me now? I thought yo

ndon you? I've sent people to look for you for three years now. I would've fou

ith a birthmark that looked like a cherry blossom. This was

want me as your sister anymore. I thought that w

earby bench to sit down. He brought out a

reward. Thank you for your efforts for the past year. If yo

he check. He nodded, "Alright. Thank you for you

d asked, "Why did you appear all of a sud

tablished a restructured company. I came back now to finally avenge our famil

top seeking revenge? So many years have passed already. That thing tore our family

ur brother is no longer the boy I was twenty years ago. I now have the abi

ing for Inna. "Inna, here you are. I've

n seeing the woman. He ask

tly and introduced him to the newcomer. "Sherry, this is my

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