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Lovely Twins: Daddy, Get Our Mommy Back

Chapter 8 I'm Your Brother And You Are My Sister

Word Count: 832    |    Released on: 26/07/2020

rom Jarvis. It said, "have a good rest at home to

, she felt a little dizzy because she h

Lola. "Why didn't you come back last night? I miss you

r so long?" Mack carried his

to say so much. Besides, she was too tir

you'd better go and sleep with her. I'm going f

here are you going

Ji Co

e heard about the Ji Company, she shivered again.

l, Nina, let's drop it. I

ered her, so she had to coax her to sleep togeth

ying with Lo

ap bubbles on the balcony. When Mack and Lola turned their

ce you wake up,

passed the

eturned to the Ji family six or seven years ago. Rumor had it that he was an illegitimate child of the Ji family and had

t have a mother. Was he adopted? But how could the Ji family allow

arvis. Nina picked up the phone and heard his cold

ppeared in the hospit

of the boy's bed. Jarvis turned around and saw Nina and Lola.

s. "You... Is she your daught

my daughter. Lola,

ame is Lola." Her sweet vo

ittle annoyed. After all, Lola was his daughter. Now that Ear

here. Don't worry. She is very obedient." Nina explained. Then she saw th

nted at Lola beside Ni

retched out her chubby little

Are you also five years old? Then, who is

brother? Younger brother? You

sure I'm the e

tient. It was really not high, and his son had

To Earl's surprise, Lola c

. If anyone dares to bully you in the future,


to deal with in the company. Please stay here and help me take car

Nina ca

's wr

about the little boy's mother, but she felt that

left. As soon as he left, the

" after the boy finished his

'm hung

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