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Aloof CEO And My Affectionate Husband

Aloof CEO And My Affectionate Husband


Chapter 1 An Old Incident

Word Count: 1893    |    Released on: 31/07/2020


rs, and the bedroom on the second fl

up Linda Su's curly long chestnut hair. The c

er view, and an elegant black Bentl


er eyes, Linda Su trot

d at the tall man with a happ

u're fina

ice, took his black handbag and helped

in Jin City today, so my flight was delayed." John Cheng held

Linda Su w

e. After a week's business trip, L

ness. When she heard John Cheng's words, she only fe

to Y City? Why did you go to Jin Ci

efore yesterday, but I didn't tell you in advance. Sorry, I made y

g seemed

that nothing would happen. After all, there were

tended to be calm, "John, I mad

, "I will drink it tomorrow. I'm a little tire

rom a business trip, he would drink the chicken s

eng's back, she be

d, Linda Su followed John Che

oor, a business card suddenly fe

the card. Her face turned pal

n the middle of the bu

her fingers, which were holding

ried most fi

away all of John Cheng's memories,

hat she could only hide it at the bottom of her h

sister. Although their life seemed to be peacefu

r hands and hurriedly stopped John C

irt and said seductively, "What's wrong?

le on John Cheng's lips

ck in her throat. She paused and said gently,

on on his face. He stared at her wh

d. After taking a look at it, he went straight

ndifferently, "A stranger gav

She asked urgently, "Did

. He asked me if I remembered

mess, and the great chill

ven though she knew that this kin

inexplicable expression on his face and said, "Linda, don't think too much. Maybe h

issed her on the forehead and then wal

that he was tired, he couldn't refr

he kissed Linda Su f

od tonight. Her mind was full

strange was that John Cheng had chang

ed, and even those mem

nt of love lingered in the bedr

ing at the trash can on the floor

onsumed too much strength last n

alf empty. John Cheng had al

asy. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to g

rs, she had never be

. Linda Su didn't know when the stone would fa

he trash can, just like what ha

ake away the bus

sense of foreboding

loss, the phone on th

ome to the company as soon as possi

this be? Ho

her face tensed. Anxiety wa

he office. I heard him smashi

ll be rig

he empty trash can, turned around, picked u

clenched a

ht from abroad were kept at home all year round,

s about two year

s that she almost went

the other hand, she was afraid that John Cheng's headache t

u ran out of the elevator, she saw the assi

, you're fi

ive me t

y in a hurry. When she opened the door, she saw

sofa, stared at the pieces of coffee cup on the ground with h

ambulance?" Anne asked timidly wh

replied, "No, the doctor can't cure his h

and rushed to John Chen

ou will be right soon!" Linda Su rush

eng suddenly turned

y, and the blue veins on hi

heng tightly, she knew that he was unconscious and cou

cine!" Linda Su held the whit

would be allowed t


pushed away by John Cheng. He

her palm, and her blood flowed along the woun

Please take y

g the pain on her forehead and wound,

er than before, but his resolute face was still distorte

Linda Su bit her lips, took off the silk scarf

forted him in a soft voice, "John, I'm Lind

y trembled slightly, and he clen

Cheng didn't go crazy becaus

pportunity to take

. Linda Su looked at John Cheng again, who h

d up the documents on

Linda Su, as long as John Cheng could recover, it

ped that John Cheng woul

turned around to clean up the broken pieces of the coffee cu

and the face on the photo

… Lis

on the photo, Linda Su's

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