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Constance Dunlap


Word Count: 6231    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

night? Just a friendly little game

vitation of the woman across the hall from Consta

answered Constance. "It's lonel

watching you for some time and wondering how

Constance, as they reached their f

ther woman, too, although s

nce to herself. "That sounds as if it had

was a rather recherche apartment, and one of her chief delights

n in the city, an attractive widow on the safe side of forty, well-groomed, often daringly gowned. Her brown eyes snapped vivacity, an

seemed to exude, as it were, an air of prosperity and high living. Clearly, she was a woman to cultivate. Constance felt

ame," she speculated

ance at the buzzer bes

ce glowed with heightened color, and her nerves were on the qui vive

iled Bella, holding out her hand

h a wide chest and narrow waist, Ross Watson; a tall, sloping-shouldered man who inclined his head forward earnestly when he talked to a

ked Bella in a business-like tone. "Oh, I beg pard

replied. "Almost an

oom, after all, appeared to be a round table. About

tson, nonchalantly fingering a little pack o

rs. Noble. "Bridg


e regular


ve," drawled Ha

eed. "I think that will make a nice little game," she cut in, opening a drawer from which she took out

ng to join us?"

he bustled out of the room, reappearing a few minutes later with the maid and a tray of

e cards with practiced

uck was not with Constance on th

gerly. Watson was coolly following al

oman in pink, plainly betraying her vex


too tense, too hectic. The play was too high, and the desire to win too great. Mrs.

uilding up. At each new deal a white chip was placed in

the new style gambling

he icebox doors and steel gratings, of white-coated servants and free food and drink, had passed away

which published full accounts of the races, something that looked like a racing sheet, and a telephone

ure roulette wheel, not one of the elaborate affairs of bright metal and ebony, bu

d on Bella LeMar. They were risking everything, perhaps even honor

r invited her here

p her mind to quit when her losses reached a certain nominal point. But they did not reach it. Perhaps

ntuitively to take their measure. It was Haddon Halsey, immaculately gar

o was letting her win at his expense! Or was his attention t

a few dollars ahead. For ex

ordial nod and a kind inquiry whet

he cards make me nervous to-night. Just let

changes of looks between Bella and Watson. What was the bond of intimacy between them? She noted on M

s. He said nothing, but accepted the losses grimly. Mrs. Noble,

at her wrist watch, she gav

at ten, and it's much easier to be home than to have to think up an excuse. No, Haddon, don't disturb yourself. I shall get a cab at the door. L

ich she, poor little butterfly, had singed her wings, and there was

and shot a half covert glance at Constance. Then, as if with an effort, adhering to her

d recklessly, then conservatively. It made no difference. The cards seemed

e impressed him. Turning, he flung down the cards in disgust. "That's enoug

n," urged Bella. "It all averages

oy the evening!"

ance enthusiastically. "It

in when more of my

to. But to-nigh

n to go. As she took a step or two toward the door

Jack's for a bite t

appeal in his under

e glad to go," Consta

a knowing glance as she crossed the hall for her wraps. Whatever it was, Constance determined

to get into the open to summon a car, Constance happened to turn. She had an uncomfortable feeling. Sh

ess abandon, ordering about twice as much as they could eat and drink. But in spite of the fascination o

ould just catch a glimpse of Drummond, of

Constance knew that that was the method of his shadowing. Never for a moment, she knew, di

hance. It was the method followed by the expert modern trailer. She knew that if one looks at a person intently while in a public pla

ame was off, was rattling along abou

s on the assumption that I am the one exception-unlucky both at cards and love. If

imsicality that alarmed her. It covered a

anger? Surely it could not have been for tha

say nothing of himself, to lead her on in the path he and Mrs. Noble and the others had entered, he was taking the bit in his teeth, like a high

l, she said nothing about Bella, nor about Mrs. Noble. Halsey seemed to appreciate the fact. His face show

suddenness about his confide

business?" s

m in business-treasurer of the Ex

kly in the face, "I should think you

the bonding companies keep a pretty sharp lookout on your habits. Oh, the cras

lsey was getting deeper and deeper into the moral quagmire. She had seen his interest in Mrs

ly. A thousand questions about himself, about Mrs. Noble

e company's money!" she a

her eye. He tried to escape it, but could not. What was there about this little woman

It was not that fascination which Bella aroused, the adventuress, the siren, the gorgon. In Constance there was something

had intended to make. He caught her ey

ot being able, as usual, to let the gay life put the tru

Constance. She saw herself face to face with one of

imply, leaning for

sting her. Quickl

k stock certificates, some of those held as treasury stock in the company's safe. They have never been issued, so that by writ

an which he had adopted, Con

ed, changing the subject, and sensing rather th

ght life too often, for instance," he pursued, waving his hand about at the gay tables, "run around in fast motors with faster company-well, they know it. Who is watching, I do not know. But with me it will be as it has been when others cam

dent that he did not intend to quit,

the work of shadowing Halsey. Day after day, probably, the unobtrusive detective had been trailing Halsey from the moment he left his apartment until the time when

ed in. She had made up her mind. She w

r positions had been reversed. He had sta

howed the better s

ap," he remarked earnestly, "who n

cept her help, even under false pretenses. Eagerly he watched to

and a covert look at Drummond. "Let us go. If we are to wi

onstance tossed fitfully in half sleep,

uth of what was going on across the

the now lightening gray of the courtyard. There dangled th

she had read much and thought more. She recalled h

d had in mind proved to be an oak box, perhaps eighteen inches long, by half the width, and a foot deep. On its face it bore a little dial. Inside there appeared a fine wire on a sp

w in the slack LeMar telephone wires. With every care she cut into them

stance could scarcely restrain her surprise as Mrs. Lan

I'm here," she whispered

your things?" asked

returned her visitor

come. Was she, too, trying to w

oman had gone actually so far, she felt the reaction. She sank down into

pardon an entire stranger for breaking in on you so inform

idences, Constance bent over and patted t

xcitement are worse than champagne. But you could stop, even when you were winning. Oh

e game, of her losses, of the pawning of her jewels to pay her losses and keep th

gh, "I thought I'd make a little pin money. That's how I b

nd was pacing t

ce, "to-day I am nothing more nor less than a 'c

prosperous-looking woman at Bella's was appalling. Constance realiz

, it perhaps would not have been so bad. But there were both. Constance saw that men were wanted, men who could afford to lose not hundreds, but thousands, men who are always the heaviest players. And so Mrs. Noble and other unfortunate women no do

s evident sincerity in her as she loo

d have wrung her inmost secr

introduced Haddon to them. I was to get a percentage of his losses to pay off my own-but"-her feelings se

of life these two were making! Not only they were involved, but others who a

Constance calmly,

ance at Constance.

though nothing had happened. Meanwh

e in his office, where he had been waiting impatiently for some word f

e," he remarked huskily. "H

oble. Perhaps it was better that each shou

cannot tell you now. But to-night let us a

in stock certificates already which I

get them back for a time. Le

t drawer of his desk he drew a pac

he front of each, she made a few marks. Halsey looked on eagerly. A

. Tell them anything to get them back. Here-take this other fountain pen, sign the new certificates with that, in their presence so that they will suspect

il she heard Halsey enter across the hall. She had determined to give him plenty of

ing of Bella LeMar showed that as yet she suspected nothing. A quick glance at Halsey brought an answer

the game. The play that night was s

an before. At the same time fortune seemed to favor Constance. Again and again

remarked Bella wi

steadily, though not enough to of

Mrs. Noble retired, scarcely repressing the tears. Constance dropped out. O

ded Mrs. Noble. "What is th

glance at Constance and a covert nod of approval from her, he f

eturn the new certificates or take othe

agreed Wat

hand in triumph. Th

tson viciously, as he

s on her fee

dlers," she cried, seizing the ca

quickly that even Halsey, in his amazement, could find nothing to say. Mrs. Noble paled and was speechless. As f

ent did Watson lose

alsey, he may pay or I'll show the sto

facing Watson,

" she sai

a knock at

ered Bella of the maid, who

erted into the opening. "

been raided!" burst out the mai

back. "A detectiv

. Noble. "My husband will never f

a good player with a

p. Watson, I overheard something about some stock. Let me see it. I think it

Constance had darted acros

You can't escape. The front door

r emerged from the darkness of

two spools of wire inside. To the machine she attached several head pieces such as a telephone operato

seemed to come from the b

s Mrs. LeMar?"

ed Halsey, as if fear

ied Constance, shuttin

phone? Wha

Danish Edison. This is one of his new wire machines. The record is made by a new process, localized charges of magnetism on this wire

ce was it calling Bella? Constance was looki

in for now?" p

It was Drummo

ifty shares," repl

Don't lose him. To

will make good?

thousand dollars for the evi

she did not let the telegraphone pause. Ski

all from Bel

low Drummond ca


lient will make good-five thousand if they

, Bella?" came

, staggering and dropping heavily into a

other call. It may serve to explain why l

ce from the machine. "We'd do anything for

ed from the ends, the

oked eagerly

ute fraction of an inch beyond the others. Everything is done carefully. The rounded edges at the corners are recut to look right. When the cards are shuffled the aces protrude a trifle over the edges of the other cards. It is a simple matter for the dealer to draw or strip out as many aces as he wants, stack them on the bottom of the pack as

o Watson again. "What rot is this? The stock, Watson," he

d. Bella LeMar was fumbling at her gold mesh ba

are blank-those stock c

d them roughly

should have been ther

ords in deep black, "SAMPLE CERTIFICATE

s amazed as any of them. Mecha

at you, Mr. Drummond, were nothing but a blackmailer, using these gamblers to do your dirty work. Haddon, they would have thrown you out like a squeezed lemon as soon as the money you had was gone. They would have taken the b

But," he asked eagerly, "the s

ut will soon fade away, while other writing in silver nitrate and ammonia, invisible at first, after a few ho

ly to herself. They still

e about her? He telegraphed a mute appeal to Constance, forgetful of

ained in the marvelous little mechanical detective, "Drummond, don't you think, for the s

ath and seemed to consider the damaging r

he agreed

. From it she drew an ordinary magnet

be wiped out." She paused impressively. "Let me have those I O U's of Mrs. Noble's. By

r she added the old forged certificates from Halsey's p

l wire, wiping out what it had recorded, as if the re

ng on her knees before the open firep

laze as the pile of paper

don, I have reserved a table at Jade's for you and Mrs. Noble. It is a farewell. Drummond will not occu

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