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Tempting Lips: Lose Myself To Love You

Tempting Lips: Lose Myself To Love You

Author: Alfred

Chapter 1 Finally Meet You Again

Word Count: 1480    |    Released on: 12/03/2021

ustling city might have already been used to

ry on the street, there must be

Selina Bai had been hardworking all the time. It took others 6 months to be a regular employee, but she only used 4 months. After she

. All colleagues would comment on her like

en it came to her in private, pe

e through her own efforts, Selina Bai was more ser

mes she typed on the keyboard and sometimes clicked the mouse. Under the willow leaf eyebrows, there was a pair of big eyes as clear as ice, a strai

going nature might be the rea

hone rang. It was a

the phone without looking at it. Her tone was

ce Song guessed that Selina Bai didn't look at her pho

ng in the middle of her answer. 'Oh, who else could it be except Bryce?' "Bryce! Don't be so annoying. It's fun to fool me?" After

before answering the phone?" Bryce Song

checking the materials of the meeting." Selina Bai smiled sheepishly. But maybe it was because she had

should drink more water. Don't look at the computer all day long." Bryc

dpa Song" was the nickname Selina Bai gave him. To be exact, it was a term of endearment. Bryce Song was often nagging Sel

?" It was Valentine's Day today, which was also Selina Bai's lunar birthd

orget their date. At the beginning, when Bryce Song asked her if she had forgotten, Selina Bai would honestly answer that she had f

l wait for you. Be care

ou tonight,

ryce really looks

and he could always take good care of Selina Bai. But sometimes they would

ld-fashioned style. Remember to dress up according to the theme. Besides, the day is special. Don't forget to brin

Bai smiled at her, "You can go by y

two of you. Well, you


hday gift for you! I was going to give it to you tonight.

ou. It's our t

deal. Let'

ave a go

ight, Selina Bai was very looking forward to it. She had known Bryce Song for so many years, and he would give her ble

and fixed her makeup a little. She pur

ar from the company, so Selin

t East Shopping Ma

at it was a call from Bryce Song

arrived when he called Selina Bai just now. He made all kinds of prepar

Don't be in such a

will be ready soon.

she saw the Century Hotel, she found that the entrance of the hotel was delicately dressed up. There was a red carpet at the door, and a flower door. Beside

lse get married? Do you also have any

ai began to play dumb. In fact, she was not in a hurry to get m

ing about." In fact, Bryce Song was also testing

i had almost reached the

. Wow, other people's wedding dress i

when she really walked to the door and saw the wedding photo placed at the

d no longer say a word o

hoto, there was

ome, and the woma

et, as if they could

autiful, as if it cou


im for se

etting married. On my birt

e on the way, maybe in a cafe, maybe in a restaura

ught I would meet h

For a moment, she suddenly remembered

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