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The Red Bicycle


Word Count: 2362    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ming likely to elucidate the problem. Wyke's assassin had suddenly emerged out of the mists to commit the crime, and ha

dled luxuriously day after day. He had no relations, therefore the title became extinct, while the property--so said the newspapers--lapsed to the Crown. For a time the old dandy was missed in certain circles

t Purse took his leave, and Lemby returned to London, the excitement gradually died away. Maranatha

ing failed to marry Claudia to a titled husband, desired to go back to his old free life. Father and daughter discussed the matter in the drawing-room of their Tenby Mansion flat, and quarrelled open

smoking furiously, "and can hold your dashed own w

to sense, dad," s

"but then you ain't talking sense. What's the use of staying

and," declared t

s name. That Craver chap you mean, don't you? Not much. Rank and riches for yo

, firmly. "Go yourself,

gether with a perfect complexion, very red lips, and the whitest of teeth. She was tall and largely made, most imposing in her looks, and carried herself so haughtily that the stately Roman name suited her exactly. If Lemby was not a gentleman, his daughter was emphatically a lady, for race showed itself pla

title, five thousand a year, and a fine house in Devonshire, besides a position in society. I reckon you'd

here's no more to be said,"

o one gets the title, I guess, as the old m

" said Claudia, carelessly, for she was young enough to

ng the whisky to inspire him; "the old man was so much in lov

im, I suppose--

y girl. You were willi

ashed out, sharply

ce you? You are my d

ur slave. I didn't w

y well see as you don't. Seems to me, Claudia, that

ou an explanation

y didn't when he pegged out in the study below. Anyhow, it's on the cards as he might have made a will in your fav

in Lincoln'

e drawn up. I guess I'll look him up to see if the old man did the right thing by you. It's dashed queer as

stand it myself, although I am glad that he acted as he did. Perhaps, knowin

d five thousand a year. Shucks! my girl, you're talking through your hat.

ia, setting her mouth obstinately. "I don't a

coolly, and heaved his big body out of th

ch she was looking. "Live on nothing?" she repeate

le never was a big one. It's time for us to get back to the Sunny

laudia, in dismay. "If not, why did we come

you were a high-stepper when I looked you up at that blamed school in Sydney. I had enough to

clenching her hands as she faced her father, "you took me

for Claudia had a whirlwind te

oot. "I don't recognise your right to choose mv husband. I am a human be

" sneered Lemby, hedging. "'Child

hen you tried to force me into a disagreeable marriage. Like a fool, I allowed you to bully me

n't le

time we understood one another, as you are going

I guess I can raise enough in Sydney to hire a schooner and to take up the copra busine

le, for the revelation had startled her considerably. "Can't you leave me enough to live on

fierce. "Craver's only a manager in that blam

ney to put into the firm," said the girl in a

ot in a dashed township, the place where Wyke handed in his cheques. Crav

s fierce as he did. "I don't want a title, and I don't want money," she said, passionately. "I wa

try it, th

try. I have b

ll ob

'll obey my

red the buccaneer, infuriated by this

etween them. "You were always a bully father, and are just the kind of slave-driver who should be in

"Have it your own silly way. But you d

nantly. "He's a bred-and-born gentleman. While

ded Lord, for sure, and never pretended to be. I'm just plain Oliver Lemby, as deals square by them a

treat me with some sort of respect? I know you're kind-he

vil as I need be t

I should be bullied. But it's no use talking, da

cash of Wyke's which ought to come to you," said Lemby, sullenly; "and w

Claudia, stuck by the queer expre

a direct answer. "I ain't got any

d the girl, trying to arrive at his meaning, for

e." Lemby looked at t

t w

o. That's why," he

have had one scene, so don't let us have another

an ungrat

ug--"call me as many names as you like. T

ill you

g with passion, and her eyes flashing, "I'll tell you what I

or he knew, what she was capable of when her te

my busin

oom cautiously. After a long pause, he stole forward lightly to bend down and whisper in his

uble asked Claudi

ve risked a lot to get th

Claudia shivere

e, my libert

sprang up

mby, emphatically, and


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