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The Golden Circle


Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

and announced the terms of the sale. "Goods," he explained, "are sold as is. N

hooked ve don't kick. You get our money. It iss good

with them. And well he could afford to, fo

ked German, whispered in Merry's e

package, these, her friends of the "union," refused to bid, and she bought it at her own price. The "union" was a union only in n

l customers who on occasion bid high, and returned home later to curse

auctioneer. "Three! How much a


f do

s sevent



a qua

them climb! Seventy-five is unio

sisted Jeanne. "We must buy. I w

if you break un

e sale went on. Merry bought two damaged lamps and a broken

rt. "Seventy-five!" she shouted again and again,

ted back at them. "Give

ce did the

had dwindled very low when two modest sized pack

. "That one came from France. There are F

!" Merry sque

im, a second member of the

ive!" scre

nd sold!" shoute

e understood it all. She had been saving him breat

the little French girl

er in ten minutes. Ten more, and we'll march away with our precious parcels

tle skip of joy as they entered t

expect too much, you know. Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he s

loaded with bricks. Old books come often enough,

mazement. "Why would anyone s

honest. If an agent is about to send in a nice mantel clock, slightly damaged, what's to hinder his taking it out an

. "But then, mine is not full of

shadow of a stairway. "We'll unw

th the strange foreign labels, her whole body trembled and she appeared a

." Then, crowding the thing back as if it were alive and about to jump at her, she crammed paper down upon it and hast

s joyous. "A bird! A bi

d hawks, only they may be tamed and taught to hunt for you. There are many of them in Europe and England. The gypsies are ver

she exclaimed. "H

for three greasy quarters? If he were whole

xcelsior wrappings. "Yes, yes, here it is! How very fortunat

the clouds. He has a broken beak, yet he can look skyward. He shall be my inspiration. When all seems dark; when

eak is broken; yet you

"Would that I, too, possessed a

?" Merry put out a han

eks paled as she drew back! "Not here!

strange. The mysterious package with its question-provoking foreign labels lay beside her on the seat. On

some hidden peril,

ld take it from her, the little French gir

rew on a table lamp that gave forth a curious red glow; then, tearing the package open, she drew forth a curious figure done in some metal that resembled br

med Merry. "

Petite Jeanne spoke

red lamp. There it appeared to take on the glo

ood and stared at the thing until a look of dre

I have danced before him the gypsy fire dance, the dance that brings health and happiness! How often I have

onished Merry. "Truly you are my friend. See! See


the little French girl whispered

nd on tiptoe to the door

he made her way down the stairs. "And yet I lik

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