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Alpha King's Purchased Bride

Alpha King's Purchased Bride


Chapter 1 Characters Introduction

Word Count: 1445    |    Released on: 20/12/2020


Queen of the Royal Moonsto

her. At the age of 19, she is the strongest female warrior in the pack, she has trained all her life because she did not want to be vulnerable or weak in front of anyone. She is very loving and caring in nature and is loved by her entire p

e of grey that almost looks like silver in colour, her face is an oval shape that makes her look even more beautiful with her thin plump lips. Her smile can make anyone forget their pain and sor

pha King of the Royal Moons

and caring when he needs to be, at the age of 21 he hasn't found his mate and has now started to believe that mates are indeed a myth. He now has to find himself a bride, no as per the custom he will now

abs, he has dark emerald green eyes that could drown anyone in its depths, he has a straight face, short dark jet black hair and pink sexy thin lips. His wolf was the largest Alpha wolf anyone has ever had, being a King does has its benefits, he


s sister, Fabian's mate an

n inseparable ever since, she is kind and loving, she takes care of her family and pack, just like she seen her mother do growing

ly. She has dark brown eyes and straight long dark brown hair that reaches below her lower back, she has a round face and beautiful natural red lips. Her beauty could make anyone feel jealo

ther, Melissa's mate and A

te with him, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. He is strong, kind, loving and caring, he could do anything to protect his family and pack from to keep them from harm's way. He always had woman th

s and has been friends with the King since they were kids. However, they have never been to each other's house, but have always been there for each other. He has

he Royal Moonstone Pack's Beta

g can only choose an Alpha female as his bride, she was very confident she would be the next Queen and she wanted nothing more than to rule. She was aware that Vincent doesn't love her and that she is only a friend for him but she still thought he would choose her because who else can be a better option. She was the only daughter

e had black eyes, short shoulder length red hair and big plump lips, her wolf is a short wolf wi

- Rouge Alpha King

one who can make the King stronger. He has managed to stay hidden and make his army bigger by recruiting new rouge wolves and training them. He wants to find the true Queen before Vincent and take her as his chosen mate to become stron

k brown hair. His eyes resemble his cold and indifferent attitude and his hunger for power. He

father and former Alph

mother and former Luna Quee

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