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Her Request

Chapter 2 Episode Two

Word Count: 1239    |    Released on: 29/12/2020



th black pumps to die for. The company i work for senior as editor and show host, 101 Corp is one of the biggest brands in the country owning a widely acclaimed style magazine and Radio station that most

ause i hate getting cramped up with people on the ride. My Prayer was almos

come check it out. I need it up and running in f

e else enters and praise b

n who owned the incredible baritone voice and intoxicating smell. I didn't pa

when i turned around thinking the elevator had closed, he gave me a corny side smile and i ma

if i said the Greek god from earlier didn't cross my mind. He is so good looking and looks like a playboy, trust me i smell people like that fro

? KFC? Or

rrine my assistant mean

orrine, I'm heading out and

hirty is seventy. But at the end of the day, none of these guys end up on my taste bud. Let's ju

e hell

d he took me to one of my favorites knowing fully well m

ent well and by that, i

ive with

their mum at

a house o

ive, i own about ten

oating and

didn't budge h

adies with their wealth forget

trying to fix our date gone awry by asking reasonable

my side of

his weekend? I am sorry i blew this but i really

sorry but there won'

know when is s

t your res

ingless dates when i have other things to do in the office. I'm already worki

evening, let's do it again on Friday same t

nnel and play a song

could afford my car and pay my mortgage as fast as possible. Just two more months. Once my house has been fully paid, i can resign as show ho

rting everything on my desk because I h

on the ground floor front de

ht Jackso

door, my sight fell on a

s time he wasn't wearing sunglasses

he to own a pr

y car and as I opened the driver's seat

better, I'd say

to fa

e opposit

d to walk

ue, why are you

, too close I could smell all of him. I was trembling and I guess he could tell be

the death of me and I

l do" he whispered into my ear

most ravaged manner and then let go befor

in the parking lot but yo

my tits from the back, I felt hi

e to do it her

I manage

ot an ans

name is A

change pleasantries April, do you

xcept Jackson. Can I

good, "

t answe

d I was totally ready for

's wr

meet yo

is car and then drive o

except I con

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