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Belly Ganes: The story of one of the scariest black widows in history

Belly Ganes: The story of one of the scariest black widows in history

Author: Red Ruiz

Chapter 1 Belly Ganes: The story of one of the scariest black widows in history

Word Count: 896    |    Released on: 12/01/2021

including 15 husbands and children. Belly Ganes was born in Norway. At the age of 23, she came to the United States to make a fortune. In 1893, she married Mad Sor

s in fact the first murder of Belly Ganes. She started with his own children,

lling on the kitchen grinder. However, Jenny, the daughter of Ganes's ex, saw the murder. He told his girlfriend that my parents had beaten him to death with a millstone. During the post-mortem, strychnine was again found in the body of the deceased. It is believed that the accident was arranged by applying poison first. Or poison may have been applied to confirm death. However, after the death of her husband, Bailey Ganes started crying. No one could really doubt that Peter's death was not normal. Shortly after her husband's death, Bailey withdrew her insurance money. And six months after her husband's death, she became the mother of one son. The boy was named Philip Ganes. Belly Ganes never married again. Rather she started her new "business". She used to advertise marriage in newspapers. The advertisement stipulates that a man interested in marriage must come to the bride's "house" to see the bride with his savings in cash. There is probably no one in the world more foolish than a loving man. After seeing this advertisement, many men would go to Bailey's farm house with money, but would never come back. The gigantic belly of a tall, two hundred pound monster could easily knock any man down. Many more people were killed at the hands of Bailey, whose exact identities were not known. However, Andre Hegelin's brother began searching for his brother and an investigation was launched into Andre Hegelin's disappearance. Belly Ganes's day of danger began to draw closer. Did she

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