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Evan Harrington -- Volume 3


Word Count: 4732    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

rocess of inquiry conducted by following her actions, for she can tell you nothing, and if she does not want t

ing it was asked by the heavens to reflect: a good fight fought by all young people at a certain period, and now and then by an old fool or two

hich Scottish Jenny, entirely putting aside the shades of beatified aldermen and the illustrious list of mayors that have welcomed royalty, replied that it was a thing quite impos

us of seeing justice dealt to that class. But Jen

you think you could ever bring yourself to consent to care at

and composed in the knowledge that no natal stigma was upon him to try the strength of her affection. Designing to generalize, as women do (and seem tempt

eturn-that is, completely liked you, and was quite devoted, and made no concealment-I mean, if he was very superior, and like ot

s her to have had some one in her head for her to concei

ces, possibly because such a young lady is not always nursing baby-passions, and does not require her sex's coddling and poss

who betrayed her mental pre- occupation by

erior classes, but as a special favourite of the diplomatist's, begged a gift of him for her proximate birthda

odest requests little maids prefer to pe

ow, Uncle Mel, and it's a shame to make him lose his time when he's young and does his work so well-that you can't deny!

tended to have his

bout feathering the youn

erience of us, 'isn't that just like men? They ne

ist sung out, 'I didn'

hastiness, but ret

and now there's Aunt Shorne and the other women, who make yo

strong word

y friend, and Mama very properly stopped them, and so will I! As for me, I intend to stay at Beckley, I can tell you, dear old boy.' U

, 'You talk your mother

a child, out of your politics, and I shall take you in hand myself. Why, now, think, Uncle Mel! wouldn't any girl, as silly as they make m

oward Evan would have quieted suspicion in shrewder men, for Juliana watched Evan's shadow, and it was thought by two or three at Bec

ss,' and went and sat with her mother and Drummond Forth. The latter was strange in his conduct to Evan. While blaming Laxley's unmannered behaviour,

o Ferdinand,' she burst

-he can stand by and s

le with his pride-he's

mond approves him, an

s, and quietly remarked that the yo

know you will when I tell you that Ferdinand declares my frie

y window on such veritable squabble

run on smoothly while th

elated the scene a

f Sir Something Harrington, Devon

derstood the Countess that it was so. She brought the paper

it?' said Drummond, repressing an inclination t

e. 'I think she said father, if the

id Drummond to her ladyship. 'His brother married one of the sister

,' said Rose: 'for you know th

ld Tom Cogglesby, whom, it appeared, the for

bler, Rose,' said Lady Jocelyn. '

l, Mama,' Rose an

ell as possible,' said Drummond. 'The Harringtons have

the lady: 'In verity, she is most mellifluous!' while Rose sugared her lips and leaned gracefully forward with 'De Saldar, let me petition you-since we must endure

e. She is not a Precieuse. She has made a capital selection of her vocabulary from Johnson, and does not work it badly, if we may judge by Harry and Melville. E

e Mel 's a goose. You should see what a "female euphuist" Dorry is getting. She says in the Countess's hearing: "Rose! I s

ing Beckley Court, and here in the enemy's country the wary general found herself under the necessity of throwing up entrenchments to fly t

him, and which he had thrust sullenly in his breast-pocket and he drew them out to look at them reproachfully and sigh farewell to all the roses of life, when in company with them he found in his hand the forgotten letter delivered to him on the cricket-field the day of t


mind to be a tailor,

many men in the world-

hing. If you go on with it, you shall end by riding in your carriage, and cutting it a

e is over your shop, I

now how to reckon. Don't you wish it was ninety-nine tailors to a man! I could do that too, and it would not break me; s

ve years, and

p, and I g

nn. Let him say he is tailor No. 1, and show this letter, signed Agreed, with your name in full at bottom. This will do-money will be paid-no qu

e the cash according to t


nd carry it by majority what wine it's to be. Five carries

nly turned his horse's head back for Beckley. The secret of which evolution was, that he had caught the idea of a plotted insult of Laxley's in the letter, for when the blood is up we

gazed upon Beckley Court in the sultry light, and turned for Fallow

ow if the letter were genuine? He began to abhor the sight and touch of the paper, for it struck division cold as death between him and his darling. He saw now the immeasurable hopes his residence at Beckley had lured him to. Rose had slightly awakened him: this letter was blank day to his soul. He saw the squalid shop, the good, stern, barren-spirited mother, the changeless drudg

e Green Dragon; eyeing alternately, with an indifference he did not care to conceal, the assiduous pecking in the dust of some cocks and hens that had strayed f

ting, with a flaccid gesture. 'Don't excite me

is it now, Ja

f he won't wag his tail within the next ten minutes. I beg

e dog, and the dog looked at h

kes, in languid anguish

not accustomed to th

se's maid, Polly Wheedle, splendidly bonneted, who slipped past them into the inn, after repulsing Jack's careless attem

a boy to hol

een her bef

. Ay! one might swear them sisters. She's a relief to the monotony of the petrified street-the old man with

ling him to read and form an opinion on

Of a light soil and with a tropical temperament, he had exhausted all lively recollection of his brilliant career, and, in the short time since Evan had parted with him, sunk abjectly down into the bel

identally dropping his card-case; subsequently, to his astonishment and gratification, receiving a pregnant missive from that old gentleman's lawyer. Or it so happened that Mr. Raikes met the old gentleman at a tavern, and, by the exercise of a signal dexterity, relieved him from a bone in his throat, and reluctantly imparted his address on issuing from the said tavern. Or perhaps it was a lonely highway where the old gentleman walked, and John Raikes had his name in the papers for a deed of heroism, nor was man ungrateful. Since he had eaten up his unc

nfolded letter, his head between his cramped fists, with a contraction of his mouth. Evan was trouble

t do you t

ow, and puffed a very deep breath indeed, and glanced from the straight line of the street to the he

ke played upon

e a gentleman for life, and you ask if it's a joke pla

t have some wine, and would; and disdainful was his look at Evan, when the latter attempted to reason him into eco

my landlady's face-my sole planet. I was resigned till I heard my friend "to-lool!" this morning. He kindled recollection. But, this is a tidy Port, and that was a delectable sort of young lady that you were

ter written in good

ose. Why the notion didn't strike me is extraordinary-I ought to have known my man. However, the old gentleman who gave the supper-he'

at the old gentleman who gave the supper as the writer of the letter. Evan, in return, confided to him his his

remember at old Cudford's-was a

lied Evan. '

we feared your pr

e girl up-stairs, for this distasteful comrade's bill at the Green Dragon, and for his own immediate requirements, and with the bee buzzing of R

s career, and if his lady, holding to pride, despised him-as, he was tortured into the hypocrisy of confessing, she justly might, why, then, unless he was the sport of a farceur, here seemed a gilding of the pat

han it's 50 of Virgil,'

of a plot,'

l be made in my time,' said M

ssity there was for him to refit in London, under the hands of scientific tailors. Evan wrote him an introduction to Mr. Goren, counted out the contents of his purse (which Jack had reduced in his study of the pastoral game of skittles, he confe

ndent gentleman! By Jove! this isn't such a dull world. John Raikes! thou livest in times. I feel warm in the sun of your prosperity, Harrington. Now listen to me. Propound thou no inquiries anywhere about the old fellow who gave the supper. Humour his whim-he won't have it. All Fallow field is paid to keep him secret; I know i

ilence,' said Evan. 'I

do these

r. Raikes co

s have cured incomprehensible maladies, and fooli

finish the wine,

er the horse

g of the horse?' said J

m. Who can think

ered Evan, and wen

the yard to where Jack was standing, bare- headed, in his old posture against the pillar, of which the

and peerin's!" He thought my powers of amusing prodigious. "Dang 'un, he do

's something in a past

and hope when you're there you won't make me regret my intro

you,' said Jack. 'I 'm

t my fault-I'm af

eet-here or in London. But the Dragon shall be the addr

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