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Fallen for the king

Chapter 4 The Revenge

Word Count: 1251    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

s already up and about ready to start the summoni

rant was at my place the next day, while Grey

is quickly, then use your power to question the demon. We need to make sure that the northern

position. I started lighting the candles and burning the incense. The bo

nt was fast, and together with Grey they quickly shackled the demon. He growl

he did confirm to us that the northern pack was the one

to the pack's basement with a couple of our guys. Grant stayed with me,

t?" I asked while drinkin

ll follow my instructions. I'm not losing our people against them, we will take


ll regroup with our pack in a couple of hours from now. And you

ing hollow. I didn't feel the rush and I hated myself

that you stay here and we will do this for you. You've been through a lot already... and no one is exp

I'm not feeling the rush. Why?" I was back to being let

company you. I'm not losing you in the battle..." Grant pat

two hours later after Lauri

come one of the strongest female werewolves that I know. I have so much respect for her. Wh

me all about Don. I didn't get the ch

of them about how I met him and how I fell in love with

ng my inner self to fight for my Don. But Laurie convinced me, that she too didn't

own she's right, that Don wo

ambush. We were all quiet in the living room, while our minds were

they were all in it, their minds were one. I would definitely be a distraction if I insisted on goi

sudden sadness. She pulled me aside and to

focus on your anger, instead of your sadness. This will drive the pack to avenge Don's death. If...and I sa

en I couldn't take it anymor

or me. I miss him, Laurie. I need him

me in closer and let m

all of this. I don't want to live in t

t telling you to forget about hi

al in her arms, for all the days that I had mourne

ame night when I was being hit by his memories

and I know...deep down I know, that I was finally accepting his death. A

t I would no longer have him in my life. That my denial phase was over. It hits

ize that I was drowning in my sorrows for more than an hour. But Laurie kept on sayin

nect our mind link wit

the first time in years I pray to the gods, I pray for Don. And fel

he past. Which

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