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The Mask Empress and Her Beloved Emperor

Chapter 5 Beating for you

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

es across the sky. Raindrops disturb the quietness of nature, and the fire from i

are skin touched each other and gently k

il catches into his back, and her body trembles from his movemen

any better, this is my first time too. I will try to be gentle." Shing whispered in her ears as he he

passing second until there was complete silence. Th

seemed too bright, so she shut them. She then tried

eyes adjusted to the light, and she could now see everything clearly. Li Na pressed her hand again

ex with him, and now sleeping next to him naked?" Li Na mumbles in

haking. After all, the night is cold, and my coat is only eno

d see the detail of his beauty. He was handsome from the glimpse of his eyes to the calm expression o

not pass when Li Na felt Shing's hand over her waist as his fingers pressed g

aid as his fingertip followed

emember what Shing was talking about, but then hi

Her room got searched that morning, and although she did not take it, the pin got found

d. She closed her eyes as the

got flogged with a stick, " Shing said as

ove that you got whipped not once, but mult

kin, this happened when you were very you

I ri

ace Shing. "Are you a dermatologist

what?" Shing con

ing modern words on ancient peop

the eye was the window to the soul because of h

o did this to my body and caused me pain. Do y

sk?" Shing replied. He still f

er fight and her revenge to take, getting othe

at if you return home with me, I will help yo

ust was not something she could afford to give others. Although she bel

m falling for you?" Shing sa

g." Li Na replied with a hilarious giggle. She did not believe her remar

in seriousness, and Li Na nodded her head. "My heart should never beat for anyone

kidding. But when she saw the expressio

air. The scars on my skin are numerous

ain. No woman has ever don

not to beat for anyone?' She thought as she gazed at Shi

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