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Embrace the dark

Chapter 4 Other Side Of Anthony

Word Count: 1106    |    Released on: 16/01/2021


f my friends were howling and whistling. We were at the ho

end Mariana at my birthday party. I found him pants down, pounding the very eager Mariana. Both wer

verse! They had fucked with my life, and I just didn't give a damn anymore! I went on with m

annoying, controlling eight years older stepbrother who was al

some negotiation his parents cave in with my demand, saying that they c

who would act as my guardian until I'm twenty-one. They left both of us a fair amount of inhe

e, but it still feels empty without Janet and David. Ann would visit us sometimes, b

be literally. Months later after the accident, I decided to change myself with a carefree attitude. Anthony

uld think that he likes me. We even almost kissed one evening after he was breaking my fa

s rage, he was livid then throw out my boyfriend with no explanation. Then in the evening, he invited another woman for dinner, so I wore my most revealing silk pajamas to the d

nowing that I wanted him, and I think he wanted me too but h

ty! Anthony can fuck himse

king. I was heavily wasted and grinding to some random guy. Until I saw Anthony at the bar with a woman. She w

ds ...oh she's going down tomorrow. I take the shot from her hand and gulped it down in one go. The burning se


y drunk. You're done here, we'

ty one now, you're not my guardian anymore, " I whispered seductively in his ear. Feeli

aking me very aroused. Then he w

u to come home with me, where I can do legal t


some bills to the waiter, and told her to close our tab and se

?" I asked him when

her there and then I see you and

igh. "Damn it, Lilian, this is not even a dress, it's too damn short! Where'

d ...hot and co

urs ago when I found him pants down pounding

Lilian...I d

. It's like a chor

anymore. Just take me home."

hate my

ck. Then he took his hand to my jaw and kissed me deeply. I moaned and open my mouth, as he pushes his tongue and teaches

said seductively, while his other hand caress


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