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Mr. Wolf's Secretary: A Sidekick Romance

Chapter 4 Third Chapter

Word Count: 1020    |    Released on: 18/01/2021

n the living room. Before she could rant heavily, she stormed off towards the kitch

everything's going to be alright!" Tracy reminded Blair of their conversation before the woman left f

she had to know all the details. "Why?" Tracy inquired. "Jacob Gordon is the most impossible boss that I've worked with, " Blair answered. "You work at Wolf Bank

's more handsome than an angel but with a devilish attitude! "Have you seen a devil before? How did you know that a devil is handsome?" She chose to be sassy with Tracy, and she earned a scowl from her

sign a confidentiality agreement before she clocked out from work. It was made

ade a face and begged Blair to disclose more details about Jacob Gordon but she flatly refused her request. "I bet you also like him or you wouldn't be this mad, " she mocked Blair after the woman shook her head to refuse her request. Blair sighed and slumped her back into the worn-out sofa. "I don't like

yourself into a man, I mean, look at yourself in the mirror! There are no more traces of a woman in your form, " Tracy said and guided Blair into the mirror. "Yes, you're right!" She agreed with Tracy. The company provided her with a clothing allowance and

east. Tracy was a voluptuous woman and she envied her big boobs and big butt. "You're mean, Tracy. Do you have to rub some salt into my injury?" She jested. "I'm just kidding and y

rrow, remember? What if we'll get drunk and you'll fail to show up at Wolf Bank?" Tracy suggeste

s going to pay me a visit at my residence,

w blocks from her house. She and Tracy were frequent diners at the said restaurant because they loved their ch

a hoodie, then nobody would question what happened to her long hair. She changed her work clothes into sweatpants and a black

asked when they almost reached the Korean resto. "Never!"

l happen, " she declared. "Seriously?" Tracy got excited at the possibility of not paying

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