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Exclusively Mine

Exclusively Mine

Author: Kakegurui

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1324    |    Released on: 22/01/2021

ther had asked him to come by the family home for a private talk but instead, he found himself confronted by Ashford,

on to back down something all

ye color, but tall, angular, and Greek god in their build. All three were strikingly impossibly good looking by any stand

rs of age, Aiden was th

speak, let me begin, " he said.

ilence reigned for

mother said in

or the world, good for the individual charities involved a

re we here?" CFO A

Hermanes in the last six months

ly remains at over 75 billion dollars, " he

give away before anyone has

he Hermanes family and its t

agne, but if you continue to donate like this then there won't be anything left to give. If we want

ing, " his face betrayed no emotion but his steely gaze spoke volumes. It was a

y eve

one he could see. It was the reason his mother had invited them; not only was he looking at the entire board of directors of t

youth had long ago left the two older brothers, Axel still held an edge of f

t Aiden, we a

Axel hesitated, looking briefly away f

y. Give it all away and then what happens? We're just as poor

Charity is good for business, " Aid

x months? It's financial suicide. Speculation in the media that something is wrong at

lent, waiting for him to speak as he looked a

he said. "Now unless there's something else

od up

not accustomed to internal strife in business matters since the passing of Mr. Hermanes senio

or question until his seemingly endless spree of ph

he sat down. Like all of them, he was u

good." he with q

uickly, hoping to de

mply to discuss how much money Hermanes Inc. should give away in phi

d how much that shou

nes Inc, " Axel said with evident ir

, his expression gi

nd mine alone, just as our father said it should be and as the boar

EO." Ace said. Aiden was motionless for a moment. The two brothers had fought many times as chil

Emerson, the family lawyer. He didn't need

n be d

ue. No one in the world knew the Hermanes family legal affairs like Emerson. H

deep breath and th

l think it over. Now if you

more thing.

tion but his family knew him well he was sure

?" he

to their mother and her 49% interest in the Hermanes Corporation as a whole, to sa

ider getting some help

p I need. My team is excell

the kind of

da Emerson held his br

of help are you tal

cket in her pleated skirt a

comes highly

dn't deign to pick the card up. It was the name and cont

ter. The lawyer was capable of staring down a high court judge without flinching an eyebrow but his heart skipped a

d the room again. The board

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