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Loving My Billionaire Brother

Loving My Billionaire Brother

Author: Viczees

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 2139    |    Released on: 23/01/2021

ill be back soon" my aunty said as she stepped

scream shivering. I walk slowly up the stairs to her roo

face," I thought I ask you t

t's why I couldn't clean your room on time" I knelt

mediately" I scramble to my feet as I

n later used the mop to clean. And I arr

person in the sitting room. I quickly fold her clothes neatly into her

tables when I heard her scream my name, I

m. She was talking to a man in his mid-twenties, with long brown h

get juice for Lorenzo here” S

kitchen wondering what I h

n years old. Since then, I've been living with my aunt Clara. When my parents were still alive aunt Clara

e in there” Tiana's loud voice broke me from me thought as I

in the process. I don't even know what Tiana sees in all the men that she broug

g the tray with the wine on the cent

reat an important guest in my mom's house” She

her confused. She wanted juice and tha

have to tell you that you are a slave in this h


d give it to Lorenzo here like the perfect maid t

enzo was smiling and smirking like the idiot he is, than

aining him right?” I said as I folded my hands together glaring at her. If it was any other person I would hav

talk back at me right?” She sc

slapping me on my face. The slap was nothing compa

ed me to do while Lorenzo smirked triumphantly at me. I igno

our presence here disgusts me,” She said as I stood up and went

will be back. I quickly walk to the sitting room and

iling to myself happy that I won'

the laundry done before making dinner when

as she descended the stairs. Lorenzo has gone. I didn't

id to her immediately I saw her. She has changed her dress again, this is the third dress

using the washing machine to wash clothes, why don't you use you

turned to walk out of the room

and she treats me this way. I wish my parents were still alive then we w

ad of clothes that Tiana said I should wash with my hands. I quick

o sun dry them and went into the kitchen to get

car drove into the garage. I heave a sigh of reli

ouse as I rush to meet her “ this stupid girl ar

ng. I just hope I wouldn't be receiv

She hisses as she opens the car

he house,” She said

r?” She asked me wal

aunty ” I replied o

my mom so much. I can't remember the last time I was hugged, I

bag of groceries dragging it behind

igeria after my parents died in Atlanta. I'm just like a nobody amid people, nobody wants to relat

ice calls out to me as I quickly dish the food and set t

heart pounded in my chest cos I already know what she wants to say. I rush

ice laced with love for her daughter. The love th

he tears poured down her eyes. I mentally rolled

creams as she slaps me wi

ing to the kitchen to wash my eyes, she sl

you in and sent you to school and now you have the gut to talk back to my daughter. How dare

e probably have begged God to take me along with my parents. Some

na was busy pulling out her tongue at me, mocking me while I looked on ig

s my bag with clothes in it. What is she plannin

down with another of my bags. That is when it finally

o that again I promise you” I begged h

use today, I cannot train a child that wi

only one I know in Nigeria please” I pleaded with her as she put al

house, you were with nothing today you will be leaving with nothing too,” She sa

would get to this level “ Are you happy now?”

he has torn my visa some years back when I planned t

saw her descending the stairs “ Aunty please

house these minute you disgust me. You murderer ” She screams

gasping at the closed-door contemplating whether she should open it for m

you a house, it will be better if you go find somewhere to sleep for tonight

no destination in mind but the determina

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Meeting Mrs.Thompson3 Chapter 3 Valerie4 Chapter 4 Valerie5 Chapter 5 Victor6 Chapter 6 Valerie7 Chapter 7 The Dance Audition8 Chapter 8 Valerie9 Chapter 9 Valerie10 Chapter 10 Victor11 Chapter 11 The Trip To Italy12 Chapter 12 Arrival In Italy13 Chapter 13 The Substitute Dancer14 Chapter 14 Date Night With Prince Charming15 Chapter 15 The Last Scene16 Chapter 16 Making Him Jealous17 Chapter 17 The Premiere Of The Movie18 Chapter 18 The Confession19 Chapter 19 Back To Italy20 Chapter 20 Meeting The Fiancée21 Chapter 21 Dinner With The Guests22 Chapter 22 Mystery And Flashback23 Chapter 23 Arrival Of The Aunt24 Chapter 24 I Hate Seeing Your Tears25 Chapter 25 Valerie26 Chapter 26 My Betraying Cousin27 Chapter 27 Victor28 Chapter 28 Meeting Lavelle29 Chapter 29 Launching Of The Movie30 Chapter 30 Her Cure For Him31 Chapter 31 Victor32 Chapter 32 The Feud With Diana Thompson33 Chapter 33 Victor34 Chapter 34 Valerie35 Chapter 35 Slut Or Slave36 Chapter 36 Victor37 Chapter 37 A Match Made On Earth38 Chapter 38 A Night Out At Sea39 Chapter 39 Tianna40 Chapter 40 Love Confession41 Chapter 41 Truth About Her Parents42 Chapter 42 Love And Sex43 Chapter 43 Young Master Is Being Childish44 Chapter 44 Grandmother Willow Visit45 Chapter 45 Some Kind Of News46 Chapter 46 The Proposal47 Chapter 47 The Proposal B48 Chapter 48 The Escape49 Chapter 49 The Confession50 Chapter 50 Karma Is Real51 Chapter 51 The Wedding52 Chapter 52 Five Years Later53 Chapter 53 The Award Dinner54 Chapter 54 Wishes Do Come True55 Chapter 55 The Anniversary Dinner