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The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 4 His rosebud

Word Count: 2472    |    Released on: 24/01/2021

my tummy, now only added fuel to something

be called with th

me for that long," he drawled out as I kept q


fifteen years old sister of your best friend there. Because she died t

!" My voice came ou

erves. I couldn't show him my anger. And though

't even

alled by that. I don't like when someon

ays be Rosebud for me." He leaned in, his hot breath fanning my earl

rt stu

he past echoe

like a Christmas tree. "Th

it up with amusement. "I'm s

t?" I p

he right time. You'

ght time?" I'd gazed up a

to a blooming ros

pain shot through my chest. My eyes stung

loated across. My throat tighten

ke acid burning insi

en something like concern took over his features. Not wanting to stay there any lon

r. At my peripheral vision, I saw Tobias going

re are y

t there and didn't stop until I was

y, hung the half curved moon, surrounded by gazillions of twinkling

ed my face. And then I let some more to fall free.

e same pain it felt that night. As if

ears! And here I was, still mourning over the heartache I got as a punishment of m

I'd been trying to escape from him after that night. I'd avoided him like a plague. Even if it was impossible for some occasions to avoid him before I went to high school to a

eving in his words he said to a nine years ol

city. I thought, if I dated other men, I'd forget him. So I dated a lot

e words threw me back to where I'd be

pered, my voi

? After all these years,

lencian! Fuck you for

resence behind me. A glass of o

nt, Warner. I will b

r boyfriend. He is enjoying his drink

ad to him. He f

oal suit gleamed under the moonlight as he towered over me. Even after these

friend' with malice, didn't go unnotice

k a step back. His close

d between us, handing me the gla

e to see me al

well-being." I ran my free hand over my

houlders. I tried to go away from his overwhelming presence, but he held me

well-being, Emerald. I can't stop d

his intense grey. His ar

t I pulli

I care


rose up m

re for me?" I aske

me in. A shiver ran down my spine. Then he pulled away and p

evitable of its own." Tucking a strand behind my ear, he turned ar

e mean by

y, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Once

staircase, talking to a bald middl

e, I stopped a p

to have?" He gestured to the

off the jacket, I handed it to him. "Would you plea

lor of his face drained. He fumbled in his place with the tray and jacke

and things related to him, t

d to give you some time alone. Did something happen?" Warner fired as s

appened, everything is fine. Don't w

anyway. That's what I liked about him, he ne

l the announcement and cake cutting. I agreed to stay until the announcement, only for Mom and

y if I wanted to ke


with much difficulty last night. The soft beams of morning glow fell int

my heart followed as the me

dge of my nose. Just a matter of a

mobile caught

one of t

bed my phone and saw

sebud! Hope you'd a


ed a beat. A?

rled around

es he w

y that I didn't want to do anything with him? Even

n decided instead. Deleting the message, I threw my

aised her brow, when Beth munched on th

e leather couches. Mom and Dad went shopping right after breakfast for Tess's upcoming engagement party. And Warner

u know? He is just being polite to me as

at?" Beth asked, her m

never around. And even he was, he never said a word to me, which I was grateful for. But now,

d to my blabbering w

e you're right. But then you said he remem

if it was just a coincidence that he said those same

e rea

stated, then her eyes lit up with realization. "Maybe he saw you la

ed my

e at one glance. Of all these years, did you see him with even a single gi

if he wasn't with Tess, then there

ught. I ignored the feeling. It wasn't p

Beth retorted. "Did you forget the amount

"We don't know everything. Maybe he changed his preference after

ursue some degree. And in those two yea

ou like Warner. Then why do you even care what

er very much!" I raised my chin in confidence. "And I don't care wh

not convinced at all. I shift

ituation. I literally sighed in relief a

, and a minute la

now for you to care about," she commented,

or?" Beth rais

ocked with min

the bouquet and took o

art with those beautiful f


art r

d who is 'A'?" ask

er, then you should understand seeing thes

Her voice teasing. "I didn't know people send their family friends good mo

. "And a fresh start. So you better be start caring, Emerald Hutton. Because I think Achilles V

t stopped i

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Back in the city3 Chapter 3 Stormy grey eyes4 Chapter 4 His rosebud 5 Chapter 5 Meeting the devil again6 Chapter 6 Always the winner7 Chapter 7 Jealousy8 Chapter 8 Mine9 Chapter 9 A shadow10 Chapter 10 Meeting the red head11 Chapter 11 Playing with me 12 Chapter 12 As the king orders13 Chapter 13 Creep! 14 Chapter 14 The VIP elevator15 Chapter 15 His scorching touch16 Chapter 16 You're mine! 17 Chapter 17 Turn around...18 Chapter 18 Anonymous gift 19 Chapter 19 Hurting20 Chapter 20 He's gone 21 Chapter 21 Confronting Tess22 Chapter 22 The boss is here!23 Chapter 23 The devil of my dreams24 Chapter 24 Antonio Reymond 25 Chapter 25 I need you26 Chapter 26 Cheesy garlic shrimps27 Chapter 27 Not his woman28 Chapter 28 Warner 29 Chapter 29 Red freaking witch!30 Chapter 30 Ominous31 Chapter 31 Escaping him32 Chapter 32 Time to take a decision33 Chapter 33 Just as friends34 Chapter 34 Obsessed35 Chapter 35 The date36 Chapter 36 Teasing Mr. Valencian37 Chapter 37 The past38 Chapter 38 Heartbroken39 Chapter 39 Surprise visit40 Chapter 40 Arrested 41 Chapter 41 Trapped by him42 Chapter 42 Always there with me43 Chapter 43 Meeting Sierra44 Chapter 44 Two conditions45 Chapter 45 Pervert!46 Chapter 46 Eerie corridors47 Chapter 47 A chance48 Chapter 48 I love you49 Chapter 49 The surprise of the villain50 Chapter 50 Enemy inside 51 Chapter 51 Claimed by the beast52 Chapter 52 Sore53 Chapter 53 Liza again54 Chapter 54 Duncan De Sylvano55 Chapter 55 Threat56 Chapter 56 The demons of the past57 Chapter 57 Fears58 Chapter 58 Missing him59 Chapter 59 Goosebumps60 Chapter 60 Stormy night61 Chapter 61 Leaving him62 Chapter 62 Panic 63 Chapter 63 Let's go home64 Chapter 64 Mrs. Valencian65 Chapter 65 The vacation66 Chapter 66 The revealation - Part 167 Chapter 67 The revealation - Part 268 Chapter 68 She's my home...69 Chapter 69 One down70 Chapter 70 Forbidden place71 Chapter 71 He dies...72 Chapter 72 Curiosity killed the cat73 Chapter 73 The master plan74 Chapter 74 The jealous Greek god75 Chapter 75 Epilogue - Part 176 Chapter 76 Epilogue - Part 277 Chapter 77 Bonus chapter - Part 178 Chapter 78 Bonus chapter - Part 2