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Five Little Peppers Abroad


Word Count: 2410    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r they had made the descent to the lower deck, "I think the little

ay can compass anything in the shape of food. Why, it had its mouth ful

f satisfaction, as she regarded her basket of fruit, "because if

ed her over to the other side, where a knot of steerage passengers were huddled together. In the midst sat a woman, chubby faced, and big and square, holding a baby. She had a big red shawl wrapped around her, in the folds of which snuggled the baby, who was contentedly chewing one end of it, while his mother ha

exclaimed Phronsie,

ently. "Oh, Grandp

leman. "Bless me!" addressing the woman,

d the pinafore of another, to have them mind their manners, while

roup except the baby crowded each other dreadfully to see all there was in it. "I'm sorry the flower

old shawl again, all his teeth quite busy at work. Phronsie set down her basket on the deck, and the rest of the brood emptied it to thei

ng her hands, "if I only might hold that baby just on

oo big," expostulated

ps drooping mournfully. "See." And she sat down on a big coil of rop

away from his mother. You see it would be dreadful to set that child to roaring-v

lighted up a moment. "And if the little

ips curling into a happy smile. "Oh, please s

which I've settled before coming down here," he reflected. "Well, Phronsie-yes-I see no reason why you may not hold the baby if you want to." And before the words were hardly out of his mouth, the chubby-

shly for steamer use, beckoned with a hasty hand to her husband. "It's worth getting up

Mr. Griswold; "

der her breath; "down there in that dirty steerage-and look at t

declared Mr. Griswold, solemnl

his sleeve, she emphasised every word with fearful distinctness close to his ear. "She's got a dirty st

the deck length. "Fifteen times around ma

id Jasper, "but it isn'

gaily-"or dear

whenever Badgertown was mentioned. "We used to run around the little

olly?" asked Jasper,-"th

, with a little laugh; "Joel b

ground, you may be sure," sai

face fell. "Jasper, you don't know," sh

get a letter, you know, most as soon as we reach po

ant to see them so, Jasper, I don't know what to do." She went

you know your mother will feel dreadfull

; "and I won't-why Jasper Elyot King!" for then sh

Phronsie gave a little crow of delight. "See, Grandpapa, there they are; I want Polly-and Jasper, too." And ol

. Now if some people"-she didn't say "we"-"should do anything like that, 'twould be d

assented Mr. Griswold

to my chair if you'v

nd he saun

gged his wife; "I haven'

elf," said her husband, "any wom

es off from the small group below. "And their Mother Pepper, or Fisher, or whatever her name is-

me get back to my book

e mention of the word "

ed steamer chair, "for

Seems as if I might have

tly; "that's just like a man,-he can't talk of anyth

old was engrossed in her survey of Mr. King and the doings of his party, and

oved to be the ship's doctor, who surveyed him coldly and passed on. To

asked Dr. Jo

see my Grandfathe

oe. Tom took it without wincing, but inwar

ldn't see your Grandfather, and go back to your state-room. But let me tell you, young man, it was a pretty close shave for him the other day. Had he slipped aw

tightly together, took a long look at the wi

, the brothers and sisters, finding, after the closest inspection, nothing more

up the baby," said Phr

air one of the sailors had brought in response to a request from Jasper;

orn off, the small group began to get restive, and to clamour

said Phronsie

ap; "something must be done. Oh, don't you want to hear about a funny cat, children? I'm going t

esman, and he solemnly bobbed his tow head,

er threw himself down where he could edge himself in. Old Mr. King leaned back and surveyed them with great satisfaction. So Polly launched out in her gayest mood, and the big blue eyes in the round faces before her widened, and the mouths f

d, open-mouthed children, without moving

ttle laugh, "that was such a good

to business, Polly," said Jasper,

. "Phronsie dear," she said, "let us

ying the water, his eyes occasionally roving over the novel and interesting sights around. On the other side of the deck a returning immigrant was bringing out a jew's-harp

" she said. "Oh, about a dog, you wante

, "I did;" and he unfolded and folded his

deal of him, when they took home the sacks and coats that Mamsie sewed for the storekeeper. And in the midst of the story, when the stolid steerage children were actually laughing over the antics of that remark

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