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You are my soul

Chapter 6 Not interested in family business

Word Count: 549    |    Released on: 11/02/2021

l this years for you to take over this huge empire but you are busy

ss" Reyan walked towards the window

on?" asked Vi

t as he was gazing t

was on the verge of losing his temper but he co

sponsible for our business...and I know you have that ability to run more than 1 business at a time...you shou

ectly forcing him to join the family business as he knew once Reyan take hold to the co

than few businessess at the same time or he won't b

is compared to th

s in his eyes as he have mo

id,"my answer is still the same and I don't want to co

to open the door his father said, "I very well know why you

a sec and answered back, "even if you know I don't have

"there should be someone who can understand

was unbuttoning the shirt for t

re is a company in S city on the verge of bankruptcy...do I need

ont of mirror and said ," you very well know first to investigate everything about

t boss"

hen he remembered his father's words and sa

orders but he couldn't do anything as he wept hi

ut after that he realized tha


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