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Our unlucky stars

Chapter 6 Facing mr handsome

Word Count: 409    |    Released on: 11/02/2021

ew ma’am would come dressed like that,I mistook her for an ordinary guest’ His friend smiled and nodded ‘ she’s nice and surely I hop

l tho, didn’t yo

as a good taste

they both resumed their work

mediately regretted lying that she came to see someone ‘maybe they mistook me for someone else’ she thought, as she stepped on the floor, the tiles changed color making her smile as

scious of where she was as she couldn’t believe all she was seeing ‘ I hope those men aren’t setting me up? I need to go back now’ she ran back to the entrance and b

wards the room with some files in her hands scoffing she shook her head and thou

ensive it was, she looked so expensive and naturally if Nancy hadn’t seen her there,she woul

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