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Married To A Cruel Billionaire

Chapter 5 The King's Mansion

Word Count: 2377    |    Released on: 22/02/2021

gate. The driver said something in the intercom, and the gate opened with a beeping sound. T

d like something out of the magazines. A mellowy fragrance seized my attention to the sides, neatly trimmed rose bushes orna

n your mouth," Matt whispered

still hanging open. "It'

e to the Kings Man

reminding me of the reality. No matter how beautiful this place was

he huge wooden double door, greeted us with a w

" She stepped as

." I frown

head of the


She seemed like a nice lady. I didn't want her to cal

This time I tried my best not to l

m behind earning a playful blow from my elbo

us chandelier hung from the ceiling. The marble tiled floor was so clear one could see their fac

d my gaze to the direction the sound came from, an

my happiness died, and fear took over my heart as soon as those two started running towar

squealed, then ca

top, licking him excitedly. Awh! I was relieved and jealous

m off of Matt. "They belong to young sir," she told me and called ano

t. Now I was confirmed they belonged to Hun

other vow to befriend thos

y suitcases. After saying goodbyes to Matthew, I followed Donna down the hall. We entered a room

lk upon seeing me. She waved her hand back and forth over her face even though goosebumps rose on my


't what I felt towards her s

ulie!" grandma retorted, gla

ing stepped in. "Ember, you must be tired. Go, g

couldn't be more thankful. Family meetings could wait till mornin

lease fol

eaching the second floor, we entered a spacious hal

, Em

e, her eyes holding a sparkle in them. I rel

, gr

head from side to side. "Who's granny

h pursed, not fathomi

far too young to be called a granny

bursted out laughing. "Rig

this household. I have gotten so tired of this all-time-complaining plastic bitch. Now that

d. I wasn't the only one who thought of Julia as a plastic. At least, someone

in a tight hug. As she pulled out, her lips were stretch

at the end of the hallway.

e house with the same color combination, a king-sized bed in the middle, an

is the bathroom and this, the closet. Do you want me to send some

lipped pout. "In th


he dreaded question. I didn't know ho

ady home, i

slept-in shirt. "We're st

Hunter doesn't let

elief rippled through me.

u up in the morning before br

re supposed to stay together in a room, I was happy I wouldn't have to. I couldn't

it was too big and lonely. A tug at my heart reminded me of my parents. Closing my eyes, I let a tear roll down my cheek as my mother's angelic face surfaced in my mind's eye. I missed them already. Suddenly a pair of piercing sea-gre


ate for breakfast. Please, wake up!

"A lil mo

eking through the curtains almost blinded me. I sat up, shielding my eyes with th

t table by 8," she informed and scurried away before I

s in bed and got up. Entering the bathroom

the brush in my hand w

in the mirror, mim

lifted my hand and touched my c


ooked like a horrific ghost with the eyeliner smeared around my eyes and red lips

ow that will

om and got dressed. I curled my hair in

9 a

I am

my way, knocking me on the floor. I groaned, looking up and rubbing my fo

going," he snapped

hat crawled up his ass

histicated painting in golden frames. Through the large window occupying the south wall, I could get a beautiful view of the flower garden outside. The two head chairs on each end of

de hair falling freely around her gorgeous heart-shaped face. She could be a model

orry and sat

here. On your first day you weren't even

from coming out. Had I said that K

s Mr. King stepped in before an

ng," I said

dug in, my stomach growling from hunger. The whole time Hunter d

a tour of the Mansion, Ember," Mr.

curving into a smil


itself was larger than the one back in my college. Every inch of the walls were occupied with glazing wooden shelves and in those, from top to bottom wer

e me up in the morning. Donna was busy with work for which she introduced me

e roof? The view from ther

two big indoor and outdoor pools, a gaming room, music room, home theater with its own popcorn machine, private gym, sa

my dad. I was in an excellent mood. Something blueish passed by my peripheral vision halting me on my heels. Taking two steps back, I


re. It's a forbidden zone." Bella st

" I fr

near that door. Even th

y perked high above the clouds. A my

. But they never talk about it... Oh, look! We'r

the rooftop, for my mind was somewher

you hiding behind

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1 Chapter 1 The Proposal2 Chapter 2 Meeting the arrogant Mr King Jr.3 Chapter 3 Getting ready for the big day4 Chapter 4 The Wedding5 Chapter 5 The King's Mansion6 Chapter 6 Chocolate Mousse7 Chapter 7 Playing Cupid8 Chapter 8 Saving Doser9 Chapter 9 His facade10 Chapter 10 An infuriating spouse11 Chapter 11 Signing my death certificate12 Chapter 12 Office rules or quitter 13 Chapter 13 Journey to the devil's office14 Chapter 14 Game on, Sire!15 Chapter 15 Cursed coffee16 Chapter 16 Pent up emotions17 Chapter 17 The secret behind the blue door18 Chapter 18 From devil to savior and back to devil19 Chapter 19 Meeting with big fat beasts20 Chapter 20 Assistance21 Chapter 21 Wolf and the moon22 Chapter 22 His past and a new promise23 Chapter 23 Angry Gorillas24 Chapter 24 Stripping in the back of the car25 Chapter 25 Hunter King and generosity26 Chapter 26 Love Triangle 27 Chapter 27 Journey to Paris28 Chapter 28 Night at the hotel room29 Chapter 29 Grey eyes30 Chapter 30 Romantic stroll31 Chapter 31 Jealousy | part-132 Chapter 32 Jealousy | part-233 Chapter 33 Um... Squirrel34 Chapter 34 Masquerade ball35 Chapter 35 Mysterious masked twin 36 Chapter 36 Perfect landing into the woods37 Chapter 37 Bears and Thugs38 Chapter 38 Vampire monkey 39 Chapter 39 Not so Assholic40 Chapter 40 Gone41 Chapter 41 I love him42 Chapter 42 Goodbye California43 Chapter 43 Family Dinner44 Chapter 44 Lies45 Chapter 45 I quit46 Chapter 46 A little touch can do dangerous things47 Chapter 47 Return of the blue-eyed ranger48 Chapter 48 Lies-249 Chapter 49 Charity Ball50 Chapter 50 Seven hours in heaven51 Chapter 51 Kiss in drunk rain52 Chapter 52 I hate you53 Chapter 53 What the heart wants54 Chapter 54 Date55 Chapter 55 A familiar face, no, two!56 Chapter 56 The two face of Vienna57 Chapter 57 Raining secrets on a hill58 Chapter 58 A booming shot59 Chapter 59 You're my perfect lies60 Chapter 60 Rhythmic Chaos61 Chapter 61 Epilogue62 Chapter 62 Bonus Chapter